Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New article on The Examiner about a reading I did for Jeffery Pritchett (Radio host for the Church of Mabus, writer on the occult and paranormal)

Jeffery and friend.

Jeffery has well known "shock jock" status on his radio show, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous when speaking with him at first! But in fact he turned out to be open minded, fair, and kind.

Jeffery has been so kind in fact that he's also asked me to be on his radio show in April. I look forward to another no doubt exciting and interesting encounter and will definitely let you all know the show dates and details closer to air time. 

His website forum/portal for all things Mabus is here:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Reposting November 2010 interview with me, Melinda Leslie, Eve Lorgen and others for Exogeny Radio Network/Joe Montaldo's network

Hadn't had a chance to add this to the "Links I like" section of the blog and in the process of adding to the Links column thought this was worth a second listen.