Sunday, July 26, 2015

Dr.Dean Radin: The Extended Mind,Past,Present and Future

I am not a physicist, and yet at the 22 minute mark or so, Radin explains that the quantum verse is utilized in fields of "possibilities and potentialities"- my guides explained time as a construct to me years ago (physics is just coming around to that concept now as having validity) and utilize the term "possibility and potentiality" of liklihoods of outcomes by people focusing on the outcome as a factor in its reality. So many of my clients come to me with zero faith in their own "possibilities and potentialities" of the potency of themselves as the manufacturer of possible realities. I often leave them at a very different place than when we started, and it often is for the better. Much of what I do turns on that "possibility and potentiality" inside them. They looked at it, and it changed it. 

Empathy Can Be Built, Botox Destroys Empathy, How A Killer's Brain Differs From Yours

"I recently interviewed Dr. Richard Davidson, a pioneer in the emerging neuroscience of emotion. According to Dr. Davidson, who chairs The Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, emotional styles – such as being empathetic, altruistic, optimistic, and resilient – have a neural basis, and you can change your emotional style through mental practice. In other words, how you think directly affects how you feel – both emotionally and physically.
But Botox users beware: According to one study, women who paralyze their facial muscles may show less empathy – and also feel less empathy as well."
 - Barbara Bradley Hagerty, former NPR reporter, author

A Neuroscientist Uncovers A Dark Secret:

Fallon's brain (on the right) has dark patches in the orbital cortex, the area just behind the eyes. This is the area that Fallon and other scientists say is involved with ethical behavior, moral decision-making and impulse control. The normal scan on the left is his son's. (Courtesy of Jim Fallon.)