Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sophia Loren - You Wanna Be Americano (HD)

Va bene , Mignolo . Fate bollire giù , ora . Apprezzo il vostro "tributo ", scrivendo così tanto porno su di me , ( e il vostro " vena creativa " non è riuscito a parlare di una moglie , ahem ) , ma questo è per il vostro amico la Allenatore .
E 'nato in Italia . ;-) Ma sei stato fratelli letterali prima . Si , è vero . In Italia , non meno! 1400s . Il Nord. Commercianti. Hai venduto ( e fatto alcuni ) pelletteria. Alcuni per il mercato equestre. Forse è per questo Broseph piace fruste , vincoli , e cavallo colture così tanto .
Ooh !
Non so dove il vostro stupro fissazione cosa proviene, però . Che , non ci piace . Non così tanto.
No, questo non è parlare opposto. E 'veramente inquietante.
Sei gentile di un ragazzo raccapricciante , ah, ah ! E non in modo divertente !

Ciao , bello ,


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ayahuasca Magic: Interview: Anya Briggs

New interview with Scott Turner at Ayahuasca Magic on YouTube,  I don't know what was going on with the audio but the way the acoustics were combined with the internal microphone I think on my computer makes it go in and out in some parts. 

I'm sorry I'm not media savvy or tech savvy!  I'm also kind of spazzy ! 

 I'm kind of like a feral person doing the St. Vitas dance who possesses the gift of speech but only speech that makes her sound like a Valley girl with marbles in her mouth, but perhaps you'll enjoy this anyway! Or maybe more so! 🙌

Monday, September 12, 2016

Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion

The Codependent's theme song!  
Or is it Ms. Gaga waking up and smelling the coffee about her illuminati childhood? Or both? 

Either way I consider this a breakthrough moment!  It seems she's been laying more than a few more hints about her self-emancipation as a human being and the darker elements of the entertainment industry  in a number of interviews, public statements, and her music itself since, oh, around 2013. I'm not saying she was waking up and smelling the coffee, I'm just saying.  

And either way , the girl's got pipes, you have to grant her that! Girlfriend can sing.

 I wonder if she's still going to take place in the illuminati ritual in space that I talked about in 2013:  

Perhaps. She might be contractually obliged. But her heart isn't in it if she does. 
It'd be interesting if that gets canceled!

And it's weird because I know people who know Mark Ronson and the other producer who worked with  her on this new album who is in the band Tame Impala, so that's interesting too. 
I'm glad she worked with them, they're incredibly talented people...
