Saturday, July 3, 2021

Rest In Pain

Home is where the heart is...

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Pentagon #UAP Report is Released

Very astute assessment and of being able to read between the lines of the banality in order to see the profound implications contained within. I predict in six or seven years we will have a lot more data and information leading up to the alien hypothesis that not only are UFOs/UAPs real but ruling out the obvious cases of earthbound origin or human error, honing in more precisely on the cases that really defy the laws of physics have been traveling from outer space, inter-dimensionally, and warping space-time (one or more or all of the above scenarios) with advanced technology we can only begin to conceive of, unless of course black ops tech has some base/ground knowledge of this phenomenon to begin with. Black ops may already be decades ahead of mainstream avionics engineering. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Sanjay Gupta defends Wuhan lab leak theory, further strengthens claim

This is looking more and more with each passing day like I was right in my prediction that this was an accident and it was not intentional or malicious, what I saw was a desperate person with gambling debts who worked in the disposal unit for biohazardous material and was probably sanctioned to do something with still live bats and instead of getting rid of them decided to sell them because he was desperate for money. It’s not to politicize anything, aside from the fact that this person probably never saw the film 28 Days Later, the dude probably just needed some cold hard cash. 

While the news is not stating that, and no one is aware of this necessarily (I mean maybe they are behind the scenes I don’t know), that’s what I keep getting time and time and time again clairvoyantly.

 I’m so glad Trump is no longer an office. Did I mention that Trump is no longer an office? Trump is no longer the president. If you’re reading this and you’re getting offended by that, it’s time to check your head. Trump is not president anymore! You’re welcome.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Saagar Enjeti: Lab-Leak Hypothesis Could Reveal EPIC Screwup Of US, Fauc...

This continues the thread of what I said about my prediction that the virus started off of the back of a truck from someone who is trying to sell bats from a lab for money. 
What I saw was because of a gambling debt. A person who works in science who works in a lab was selling this off the back of a truck. Not a higher up but someone who obviously had access to biohazardous materials and really needed money fast .
But that was just my take. 
What I was seeing clairvoyantly may have been a visual metaphor? 
As this seems to be more about follow the money on a larger scale? 
But also like I said this seems like an oversight of someone who was able to, due to his position, and yes it feels like a male,  get the hazardous material out into the general populace

But I want to make myself perfectly clear: that should not be construed as an excuse for bigotry and hate. 
This is about pure and a combo of either simple human oversight, arrogance, desperation and greed
 (as usual) and probably is a cover-up. 
It’s been stated continually that it’s extremely rare for these types of things to be released into the general public but when you mix one thing with another… In this case money with a deadly virus... 
This is what you’re going to get. 
Whether it was one person who needed money to pay debts fast or an accident or an oversight or bumbling idiocy or human error,  it doesn’t matter, I’ve always suspected this was quite possibly more likely the way it actually went down. 
Because it’s a human and humans tend to be the ones who do this kind of stuff.

Please do not succumb to the lowest common denominator conspiracies. But I agree with Brett Weinstein on this:
Science is fallible just like everyone and everything else. Scientists are not gods. 
The cult of scientism is not the answer, just like anything else is never The One (tm) answer. 
Please stop anti-Asian hate wherever you see it, witness it or hear it. 
Speak up and/or intervene whenever safely possible.
Please support your local Asian communities and businesses. 
Thank you 🙏 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

This megachurch pastor is dangerous

Whoever this guy is who runs his channel is funny, I highly recommend for a little giggle checking him out.

But this video is very on point and it points out what I was saying earlier this year about how I saw literal demons inside of this pastor.  Watch his face, especially when he says how Jesus is his brother or his friend or whatever it is that he says. It is absolutely not true it is the exact opposite. He took a vow to Satan, not to God . Perhaps literally . He’s a sociopath . 
He has at least two demons inside of him.

 Another megachurch pastor I picked up on who was a part of (for lack of a better term, a dark brotherhood that I used to call the illuminati before I “illuminated” myself and understood what the term meant), but for lack of a better term let’s just call it a dark brotherhood of “oath keepers” at least 10 years ago was Joel Osteen. He does not care about his followers at all. 

Anyway, this guy Copeland is a complete sociopath. 
Note how he also blames the victim, and commits on air the most egregious forms of spiritual abuse possible where he confounds spiritual information with science , says that fear is a “sin”, all while taking little old ladies savings accounts. 

Oh and he’s also worth $760 million. I forgot to mention that. He’s worth $760 million. 

He is no friend to Jesus. He is no friend to your grandma. 
Thankfully I’m encouraged by this young generation seeing right through these bald-faced lies that these spirit dealers are preaching. 

I think one good thing about Televangelism is how easy it is to counter those claims with facts and logic. Yes people who are already vulnerable and entrenched in these sorts of things will believe what they want to believe if they don’t want to leave, but there is hope. 

This generation sees right through this. I hope they don’t transfer their replacement addictions/codependence to Instagram influencers and red Pill demagoguery, however.

 Be encouraged, though: Even though those types also get a lot of media time, this metastasized cancer is dying, eating itself. 

As with all things on the American conservative far right, it is a metastasized tumor that is consuming its host body rapidly. 

People get freaked out about how people like Trump got into office but the people who voted Trump in are only 22% of the American electorate. Try to keep that in mind. Pundits keep Chicken Little-ing about how Biden and the Democrats are going to get primaried etc., etc. But the GOP is falling apart. The far right is falling apart. There is no center to them anymore. If there ever was. 

This is the natural progression of a derogatory form of abuse that targets the lowest common denominator in peoples’ souls and exploits them. 

That easy pain, that easy pundit, they are dying on the vine. They inevitably eat themselves.


How $2K Checks OBLITERATED Zombie Reaganism

Krystal Ball (no relation 😉🔮) and her colleague tells it like everyone who is sane is thinking.
 I’m really digging what The Hill is serving lately. You should check it out. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Head of the Department of Defense is a Co-conspirator in an Attempted Coup on the US Government

Capitol police attempted to get back up with the National Guard with a request that was initially DENIED by the head of the Department of Defense.

The head of the Department of Defense is a died-in-the-wool ardent Trump supporter, Christopher C. Miller, and should be court-martialed at once.
There’s no reason on earth that the troops shouldn’t have been deployed prior to this event.

 Everyone in Washington knew this was going to be a contentious day. Miller said in his statements today that there was
a “ brief period of about 30 minutes” between hearing the request for reinforcements, processing the request and activating those troops, but -***those troops should’ve been there to begin with.***
This statement by Miller also does not correspond with what other sources were saying about how this went down.

During the timeframe of that request a woman was shot in the chest attempting to scale a wall inside the Capitol by an out -numbered and overwhelmed Capitol police officer and she died later. This didn’t have to happen. None of this had to happen. This was complete senseless violence.

Miller is guilty of being complicit and not speaking up when he should have about the level of security that was required for yesterday‘s events. He *knew* that it was going to happen and he let it happen. Four people are dead as a result and there are a couple of people with serious injuries.

An aide who was on the scene of the crime on the floor of the senate said that the Capitol police were overwhelmed . That is the term she used and the phrase that kept being repeated by someone who was on the scene on the floor inside the Capitol building. Which might explain why Capitol police simply opened up the gates rather than try to prevent the protesters from getting in? If you look at footage it clearly looks like the police officers who are on the inside of the building are overwhelmed.

Now I know that looks like they were complicit and they may very well have been, but if you’re one person against an angry mob of thousands,  it’s probably better to be polite to them then to even try and stop them altogether.  If you’re out numbered you’re out numbered. I think at a certain point your life is worth more than defending the Constitution in that kind of a situation.  I get it. What looks like complicity might just be self-preservation in those scenes that people recorded of people taking selfies with Capitol cops . Of course I could be wrong but with this added information about what the Department of Defense knew before it happened, I’m kind of leaning on the side of this might have been deliberate.

 Nevertheless, the ultimate blame rests solely on the instigators of the this,  I will leave you to the footage to decide who those instigators might be. Everyone knew yesterday was going to be contentious.
Why did the level of security not reflect that very real threat?

According to the aide speaking to C-SPAN, she said that the capital police were *overwhelmed*, That is the term she used , and that under normal circumstances that place is secure as Fort Knox. Add to that the Department of Defense refusing the request for back up from the national guard ASAP, and this is looking really fishy and really deliberate.
Feels like a set up.

Update, 10:21 pm ET, Jan. 7, 2021:
Just found out that despite repeated pleas for hours from White House aides to deploy the National Guard, Trump refused, even though he was reportedly watching the whole melee unfold on television.

That means, among other things, that he watched that woman get shot and die and he did nothing. Her death meant nothing to him. And she literally died for him/QAnon.

While the DOD is probably also complicit, along with the terrifying reality that many armed forces and law enforcement are sympathetic to Trumpism /QAnon and white supremacy, and video footage even shows a couple of instances where police opened up at least one barricade for the terrorists,  it appears President Trump deliberately incited a riot with intention to create pure chaos and violence, stood back and let it happen for hours, and then wanly refuted the actions later on that he personally instigated. But only reportedly after much pressure.

Update, 6:31 AM, Jan. 8, 2021:
A fifth person in the attack has died, a Capitol police officer who was mobbed by domestic terrorists has succumbed to his wounds.

Please, someone, throw this traitor out.
Offer him no succor.