Monday, February 1, 2010

I know this is super short notice, but I am going to be a guest on a live radio show tomorrow night (8 to 9 pm EST)

It airs Mondays from 8 to 9 pm Eastern time in New York and 5 to 6 pm Pacific time in Los Angeles only on the radio, but you can listen live on the internet anywhere on Earth. If you miss it, archives apparently exist; just check out the website for updates as to their posting schedule for recently aired episodes, and of course if I can get a link I will post it in my "links" section of this very same blog right here that you are lookin' at right now. Hey there, good lookin'! Whatcha starin' at?


"The Andy Troy Show" on the CENTANNI BROADCASTING NETWORK every Monday from 8-9PM.
Listen live over the internet:

Apparently he wants me to pair up with a hypnotist and will ask questions about what we do and then I guess we'll do a sample of our work on the host or something? I made Andy promise me not to be hypnotised, however! Knowing what's happened to me, I'm probably some super soldier who can make someone's head pop off with a thought if some trigger word or hypnotic state is induced. Or not!

That's the beauty of the "Anything can happen and does" quotient of my life. Should be goofy good fun either way. Tune in to find out if my "alternate" is "activated" via hypnosis and I suddenly produce a sawed off shotgun, grab a hostage, and escape the studio via a pretty dramatic Jerry Bruckheimer-type explosion.

Or not!




    I will definitely be listening to this live and I will be there in spirit.

    Knock 'em live, Anya!

  2. I found the show

    Go to to THIS site:

    scroll down, and CLICK ON:

    ANDY TROY show 2/1/2010

  3. Do you think hypnosis is really that dangerous in your case? or are you "programmed" to believe this?
