Sunday, November 20, 2011

On being a MILAB

From a forum comment I left about being a MILAB: 

On a spiritual level, we chose to be MILABs so that people would never have to be MILABed again- we chose at a certain level to understand the experience of the MILAB and to talk about it openly what is really being done to members of the human populace so that people who are not having this done have the choice to participate in ending this battle, this struggle- so that others would receive a clarion call of help to those who cannot help themselves. We chose as figureheads to destroy the mind-body-spirit connection so that we would learn the "art" of cruelty and inhumanity so that our stories could be enlightening the masses so that their sensitivities would be awakened to become more compassionate in the process. It is all about love and compassion and we have chosen a hard road, but make no mistake, we are on a very real, tangible level waking up the masses one at a time. Psychicly people could not have done the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon without the aid and assistance of people like ourselves, the disappeared, the abducted in other ways, the kidnapped, the silenced, the tortured- spiritually the energy of that awakening to these experiences has fueled the revolution of the masses to just say no to it ever happening (or continuing to happen) ever again. "First a ripple of consternation, then a revealing" is what my guides call it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My coverage of Occupy Wall Street on The Gralien Report

My first stint as a "field correspondent" for The Gralien Report. Since I'd been visiting the Occupy Wall Street location since its inception and since Micah Hanks the host is one of my favorite people on the planet, I said yes.

This is a great show, the Occupy Wall Street coverage begins in hour one, a really interesting story on law enforcement using algorithms to predict "pre-crime" (Just like in Minority Report! Yikes!) is in hour two, and the subject of demons and demonology comes up in hour three. What more do you want?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ironic response from the Presidential Commission for Bioethics

Recently I was a speaker at the May meeting for the Commission on Bioethics here in New York. Apparently the whole focus of the event was myopically concerned with an incident that occurred in Nicaragua where something like 50 or 100 people were unknowingly infected with syphilis for the purposes of a covert, nonconsensual medical survey of the unwitting test subjects. This naturally brought to mind eerie similarities to the nonconsensual infection of black men in Alabama in the 1950s and was the basis for the event. I'm not going to get into that here, it is a tragedy in both cases, and you can research the impetus for the reason the Commission was formed in the first place here to your hearts content: 

But to my surprise, as I sat in on the commission meeting, it became apparent to me that the ONLY topic the commission was prepared to study in an advisory capacity as pertains to the subject of bioethics was the Nicaragua incident. 

It was clear that the Commission really didn't know what was going on as pertains to the technology and techniques used on nonconsensual test subjects and other targeted individuals and you can find that out yourself by watching the video testimony and commentary on the site. 

But hope springs eternal, and I naively thought that by providing my dental x-rays (See the March 18th, 2011 posting here for images) showing a highly unusual and unnecessary filling of unknown origin as well as a signed and notarized affidavit from my dentist in combination with my testimony that I have had guns pointed at my head and been abducted from my home would be enough to raise some kind of questions somewhere. I was wrong. 

This refusal to acknowledge this outrageous and blatant violation of my rights was further solidified when I received this ironic, myopic, and utterly ridiculous response from the commission's Executive Director, Valerie H. Bonham yesterday. 

Read it and weep: 

"Dear Commenter:

We would like to clarify for your information that the Commission is not investigating or reviewing any concerns or complaints concerning claims about targeted individuals. This includes claims concerning: MK-ULTRA, COINTELPRO; electromagnetic torture or organized stalking, remove (sic) influencing; microwave harassment and surveillance, human tracking; psychotromic (sic) or psychotropic weapons and radio frequency or military weapons or other claims. 

As such the Commission will not hear further testimony on these subjects. Many of these subjects have been investigated in the past. The Commission is not a law enforcement, regulatory, or legislative body. It does not control any federal monies. In addition, the Commission has no involvement with the public or private grants and has no power to open or undertake criminal cases.

As advisors to the President, we will ensure that all of your concerns, information and testimony are provided to the White House. "

And blah blah blah, "Sincerely" and so on and so forth. So what happens now? 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New interview up that I did with Aaron Moriarity at The UFO Show, I talk about examining the mind control systems at work in your life and how to break the programming as well as stories I have never told before on the air, recommended listening

I discuss my Grandfather's involvement with Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists and the connection to Wright Patterson Air Force Base during the 1940s and 50s in addition to other never before publicly mentioned connections I have to defense contractors working on telekinetic propulsion systems that now exist as patents.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I will be a guest on The Truther Girls radio show on Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 from 2-3:30 pm ET

I fully welcome the hostess Sonia as Devil's advocate here. Last week we spoke by phone for an hour and a half and she was hilarious, compassionate, and so smart and savvy. Many thanks to Stephen Shellenbarger, a fellow targeted individual, for alerting my story to her. 

I really enjoyed her comments and am sure she will ask probing, germane questions that haven't been asked in other interviews I have done. Don't expect an afternoon of softball questions, which is a good thing. 

Link to The Truther Girls site:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My testimony at the recent Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethics, May 18th, 2011

Interestingly enough, there were very high profile members on this panel and yet there was a virtual media blackout on the topic. Perhaps you the members of the public might want to ask members of the media why this is not a topic for discussion. Because even though Muhammed Ali's wife, The Chief Medical Officer for the Department of Homeland Security, and the Director for the Division of Retrovirology at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research/also the Director of the US Military HIV Research Program (MHRP) deemed it important enough to show up, you could have heard crickets chirping from the media pit. 

HERE is my testimony, I speak first in this particular edit of the public comments section.

If you haven't already seen my dental x-rays with the filling of unknown origin that I have no memory of having placed on my tooth, you can see them HERE.

Also, I was completely disheartened to go to only to find that they think people like me (psychics) are discreditors and disinfo agents and that ALL psi ability is either false, a fraud, or the result of implants. Supposedly I am not worthy of being a part of such an elite group of misfits (sarcasm). And yet, I was the only person to speak publicly that day who could provide concrete evidence and proof that something was actually happening to me without my knowledge, consent, or otherwise express permission. 

Just know I always and ever am speaking as an individual. I don't speak for any group or guru or misfit. I just speak for myself. Even though I talk to ETs and sometimes relay messages from them, I have outer body experiences, and I see dead people doesn't mean I am crazy (in fact, I know I'm not), nor does it mean I deserve to be treated less than because I have a set of profound experiences that consensus reality says isn't real. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some frequently asked questions about what I do. just asked me to participate in their listings service, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was very comprehensive. It's free for service providers, and I took the opportunity to answer some frequently asked questions that people have about what I do and how I do it. 

If you have often wondered how to separate an honest-to-God psychic from the myriad of loonies, frauds, and flim-flammers out there and then after all that wondered how to hire said real deal, this is a great breakdown of who I am in that regard and fills you in more about how I might best assist you in your psychic reading goals. 

Check out my psychic medium readings and services questions and answers and schedule a session with me if it resonates with you!

Many blessings,


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My prediction about Atlantis finally being discovered appears to be accurate.

No, I didn't post this a year ago, but I did have this written in notes, I am too busy to make stuff up, lol- but it appears this turned out to be true and almost exactly a year after I was told this would happen to boot. I was going through some old notes tonight and found the following declaration that my guides asked me to write down. 

(From 3/18/10):

"The Lemurian Starseeds are awakening now and soon Atlantis will be revealed. The world will be changed. Get ready for it!"

No question right around now I have been getting the "avalanche" my guides told me about of people coming to me who are also waking up and asking for my help and who are no doubt Lemurian Starseeds. But that's more of a subjective journey I find myself on. No idea how that relates to the discovery of Atlantis, but there you go.

An anomalous object showed up on my tooth at a visit to the dentist yesterday.

I went to the dentist yesterday and it seems that something anomalous that my dentist had never seen in all his years of practicing showed up on my x-rays.

For students of dentistry out there, you can see that my teeth are healthy and in no need of a filling, and yet my dentist detected an "exquisite" 'filling' that could not be explained and that I had no memory of receiving on one of my back upper right teeth.

I had been experiencing occasional sensitivity and pain on that very tooth for about 6 months which was in fact  the reason for the visit. He says he has never seen anything like it and that the craftsmanship was exceptional. He said it was a non-metal material that "could be plastic" and had never seen any filling ever that was a perfect square. He said the technique to attach it was at a very high level of application as well. The words "exceptional" and "exquisite" kept being used in reference to this filling.

He is willing to sign an affidavit which I will be getting from him soon and will post with his permission as soon as I can.

The anomaly is located on the bottom of the second tooth from the right. I am not going to use the word "implant" yet, but it does seem strange given the host of paranormal and covert operational experiences I have had. 

I hadn't gone to a dentist in years actually, but I do recall the last time I went, which was at least six years ago, a small argument broke out between me and the dentist because he thought I was lying when I said that I had no fillings or any memory of having any fillings. He became very irate with me because he said "It sure looks like one here!" Which explains some of my confusion at the time to his response. This would have been the spring of 2003 or 2004, I can't remember. I will attempt to get a copy of those x-rays as well.

The lab tech thought it was a reflection of light on the tooth when the image was taken as I seem to recall him saying that it was "too perfect" to be a filling.  I really didn't know what they were talking about at the time and remember thinking "what a lousy dentist, of course I don't have any fillings" lol.

If there is any researcher out there who would like to speak with me further about this, please do. I would welcome any input you can give me on the matter. Thank you.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project IBIS

This update was also added to the original March, 2011 post. Thanks for reading. 

UPDATE: June 15th, 2013

I want to make a slight retraction here. Apparently there have been more visits on this blog post so far than any other post in my blog's history and it is because of the Erin Green Hicks interview with Project Camelot.

My personal feelings are that this woman is a very mentally troubled -- delusional, even --  individual, and that Kerry Cassidy has displayed an incredibly irresponsible, egregious lack of journalistic integrity by allowing this interview to occur without doing due diligence or in using any of her world-famous "discernment" and "intuition" that she claims is so strong.

 I was told by a source that Hicks claims that she was a Rothschild were also false- the name was purchased. Not to mention several wild inconsistencies in her statements in the interview just don't add up - among others, she was given money from the sale of what she said was Jesse James's .357 Magnum, but while the .357 Magnum was first made in 1934, Jesse James died in 1882.

Also, Hicks posted on Facebook in a comment directed at me that she was in basically all the mind control programs ever made, including IBIS, and when I challenged her on this statement, she laid into me about a purely fictitious conversation with someone she refused to name who supposedly told her that I told them how I "rip people off" by "making them think I am psychic".

Uh, no. This conversation never happened. And if I ever said something like that, say, to someone equally delusional like Sarah Stanga when we were still on speaking terms, it would have always and ever been A JOKE. A sarcastic joke. Of course the first thing to go out the window with mental illness is a sense of humor, so I am not surprised if I had said something like that in jest, a not well at all person would have construed that as fact, when it was not.

It's funny that Cassidy, who was born in a military hospital, grew up in the CIA and mind control incubator/hotbed of Palo Alto, California (same area near Berkeley that Alejandro, my "favorite" paid informant/his intelligence agent dad is from/lives and where many agents retire and congregate).

It's also funny to think that Cassidy, who is one of the researchers who attended the infamous Bilderberg-style secret UFO researcher mind-controlled conference in Bucks County, Pa., last fall ( and has allegedly been involved with a high-ranking MI5 official who has been feeding her disinfo for years, "chose" someone like Hicks to interview.

My "discernment" and "intuition" tells me that Green is in fact a plant who IS in one mind control program- but it's not IBIS. It's one whose name escapes me at the moment, but a very real one that is run by the CIA and uses high functioning paranoid schizophrenics to muddy the waters in COINTELPRO type situations like this. In other words, Erin Green Hicks is probably (allegedly) an unwitting CIA asset.

The feds made Erin think she was all of this and more (if she's a psychic super soldier and a Rothschild, I'm a Mr. Softy ice cream truck) and then unleashed her on the public by "creating an opportunity" at the equally suspect and to be avoided at all costs CIA-infused Super Soldier Summit in California last May.

Regardless, I feel it necessary to clarify on my original points pertaining to what no doubt has been someone messing with my head about the origins of this project, which may or may not exist under the label of "IBIS".

When I first found out about the fact that I was a military abductee by Aaron McCollum in April, 2010, my head was spinning for months. This was without a doubt, one of the most traumatic times in my entire life and I was searching for answers and incredibly vulnerable. When James Casbolt came into my life not long after and told me that he remembered me from mind control programs, to say it was shocking was an understatement. But deep down, I think my reaction was so strong because I actually knew that there was a basis for his statements. I experienced the familiar feeling of having a high level of recognizing him without knowing why, a high volume of psychic activity coming from him, a number of weird synchronicities and odd timings in communication with him, and of course the obvious indicator of my experience as a MILAB, recovered memories of him.

Say what you will about Casbolt, but his interactions with me are indicative of the "real deals" from mind control programs whom I have met, and that is a- very- small number of people.  No more than one or two handfuls of people in the whole world have I met who have this profoundly disturbing effect on me. And fancy that, we all seem to remember each other.

If I remember someone, I remember them. Period. End of story. I don't know how, but it always follows the same dreadful pattern of a flood of bizarre, no context whatsoever but linearly progressed memories unfolding suddenly and horribly like they are on a movie screen, the familiar shock, the feeling of falling down a hole, the horrible dread, the numbness, the sweat that breaks out, the nausea-- all the familiar symptoms of being triggered.

With Hicks, I have experienced none of this. Nada. Zilch.

Do I think people like Casbolt are master manipulators who make no secret of their ability to remote influence people and utilize hypnosis on them through methods like neurolinguistic programming? Absolutely. Do I think there's a possibility I could have been worked over hard mentally by this man? Yes.

But I still cannot escape the fact that Casbolt still might legitimately have been, in if not in IBIS, some kind of similarly eugenics-based psychic/genetic manipulation/human test subject/mind control programs with me.

There are literally too many "coincidences" and telepathic/psychic experiences, and corroborations I've had pertaining to him independent of any kind of remote control "massaging" and "priming of the pump" from him that for him to be this much of a master at organization and control over me seems suspect.

I can personally tell you from direct conversations by phone and years of emails with this man that he has serious trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy as he is definitely plagued with some kind of dissociative disorder (there are hundreds, not just DID) that he still struggles with every day-- even though he is also incredibly psychic, and something definitely has happened to him in mind control programs. Of that I have no doubt.

Do I think that my associations with Casbolt are the sum total of what has happened to me, however? No. Because these triggers have been happening to me with other people, like Aaron McCollum, who has basically admitted to abducting me in a MILAB, and this was months before I had even met or communicated with Casbolt.

I was introduced to another woman who was apparently also abducted by Aaron, and I had the exact same triggered reaction to her that I did to McCollum and Casbolt, and again, this was well before I had even communicated with James. (This woman wishes to remain anonymous, but we both remember each other from the programs and have spooky similarities in how we react to these things, are both incredibly psychic, etc etc.  I also know from recovered memories with her in them that she was a courier like I was and used in what either was something to make us think we were time traveling or we actually were time traveling back to places like Russia and the Truman Administration Oval Office, both in the late 40s/1947.  I have talked about this in several interviews, sorry, can't remember the exact ones right now, but you'll find them if you go to my "Links I like" column of this blog and just click on the ones you'd like to hear, you'll hear me talk about it eventually.)

With that said, please read this original post. Thank you for your patience. It's much less traumatic to have to deal with this horrific- whatever it is that's been done to me- since I originally posted this in March, 2011.  But it's still hard, it's still baffling, and it's still very much a confusing, traumatic reality for me to deal with, one that I hope I can get some light shed on and some answers from before I die.
I want to know what this is that's being done to me. I don't care if it's all just been a big practical joke at my expense and I've just been Punked all along. I just want to know what's really happened.

And I want to prosecute the people who did this. Even if it's just a truth and reconciliation situation. I want the world to know that something horrible has happened to all of us in this and to not let it happen again.

I don't know for sure anymore if I am one of those 42 children, or even if there were 42 children to begin with. Casbolt HAS been a disinformation agent. But not your typical one. There is something going on with him legit, but it takes so long to find the (truly bizarre) kernel of truth in what he says at the heart of it that he makes it almost not worth your while to pursue it. Which I think is kind of the point.

Here's what I think is true that Casbolt is currently spending obscene amounts of time attempting to cover up with lies and racist rhetoric designed to divide and conquer: that he and I were both involved with time travel experiments.

Yep, I said it. Of that I am increasingly thinking this is why so much time and energy has been spent discrediting himself as well as others by being as literally repellent as he possibly can be. Once you talk about something as out there as time travel, the logic seems to be that you almost have to pad it with a bunch of crap so labyrinthian that no one takes you seriously just as a self-protective measure to keep you from getting offed by the Powers That Be.

But time and again, I keep remembering, having, and experiencing memories and/or direct experiences of cybernetics, incredible psychic skills, superhuman abilities, knowledge of things we don't do in waking life like driving submarines and speaking different languages fluently and participating in incredible feats of intelligence, strength, speed and agility, both physical and mental, experiencing, participating in and witnessing horrific abuse of all kinds, and then of course the most forbidden/provocative topic of all, being an active participant in time travel.

From all of us whom I am involved with in these programs I get recovered memories of these kinds. Over and over again. And only with certain people. A small, horribly consistent group of people. Most of whom have horrific tales of abuse and subsequent dissociative identity disorder and/or post traumatic stress disorder in their backgrounds and in their day to day lives.

I hope this gives you some context for what I am talking about. I hope this solves something and gives some kind of resolution that you might require. I hope it helps and does no harm.

Anyway, here is the original post from March 6th, 2011:

For those of you who don't know what IBIS is, it is a life extension program that was used on 42 children around the world. Age regression was a recurring theme.

Here is a link for more info on that:

and on a blog here:

"The name of the project was IBIS.
42 children tracked in various contries.
Blood PRIME was being tracked by the NSA and MI6- Annunaki DNA.
Project started in 1972, initiated from Tavistock institute by Dr Green and others"

FYI, "Dr. Green" is supposedly Josef Mengele.

When I found out, I didn't want to believe it. God knows I don't want to be a part of this. But James Casbolt has sent me information corroborated from a third party in covert programs with James who shall remain nameless who remembers me from an underground base in Canada in 1975. We were taken there and experimented on for weeks at a time when we were around 4 years old. This person doesn't know me consciously and yet without any information from James, he was able to give him my full name. I am also pretty sure he also remembers me as an adult in other contexts as well, I shudder to think which ones. He hasn't said yet and I am not sure I want to know at this point.

Supposedly this person was also one of the super soldiers whose memories were warehoused inside of me for safe keeping when I was taken on board a TR3 by James in 1999.

I did a Skype session recently with this person and was absolutely unsettled by the conversation. I instantly recognized this person and yet had never met him in this conscious reality before the meeting.

It was only after the conversation that I was flooded with deeply unsettling recollections of experiments done on me that James Casbolt was forced to participate in. I have memories of the third party as well, but they are more limited in scope. This person told me he usually gets recovered memories after speaking with others in the programs, which has been a typical response for me as well.

For some reason, James wasn't even supposed to be born in 1975, but I have memories of him being involved as well as a child about the same age as me. Bear in mind, this was/is an age regression program that could age you and regress you for whatever purposes those in the programs want(ed), so it very well could have been him at age 4, 5, or 6, even though this took place a good year before he was even supposed to be born.

For some reason, I know that it is James who is with me in these memories even though I am six years older than him. (I could be wrong, of course. But the memory is that I have known this person for a long time and I "recognized" James as a child from his energy if that makes any sense. I could be blending memories with others as well, it could be James' contact who I spoke with the other day, it may be another little boy, but for some reason I want to say this is James. It's very confusing. Please bear with me.)

I may publish my recovered memories of these experiences when I am ready, but they are deeply disturbing for me and it's hard.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another recovered memory from James Casbolt potentially regarding my abduction

Michael Prince

 to me
show details Feb 18 (1 day ago)
Thank you for this data.

FYI- I have a memory from the late 90's of myself, my fiance and Aaron McColllum standing in an underground aircraft hanger. The DUMB is located near or under a mountain. The three of us are standing next to a TR3 type aircraft and arguing about who we are going to 'abduct'. I am sure this is the event just before you were picked up and the memories hidden within you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update on Project Arsenal, one of James Casbolt's contacts responds

Michael Prince

 to me
show details 12:44 PM (8 hours ago)
FYI Anya

Never heard of John Barkley. I checked it in the Air Force officer roster and there is no man by that name. I have also looked in NSA and CIA agent roster and there is no man by that name.
James, on a different note I think it is good that you are contacting and communicating with Anya. I feel this was much needed and supposed to happen. I think she has a lot of valuable information that will help everyone involved. I'll do some digging on "Project Arsenal". I think this project did exist, but they were 
re-assigned to names after a serious security breach in the mid-1990s. I think it has to do with Psychic warriors like Project Stargate. I think this might have been an offshoot of those types of programs, particularly with Lightworkers and blue bloods.

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 03:49:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Transcribed conversations with John Barkley

Friday, February 18, 2011

James Casbolt's response, thank you James.


Ok, just felt a need to add this. Since so many people can't seem to get enough of this/are endlessly fascinated with this drama queen who completely messed with my head, abused me, and traumatized me, I will give you my take on what happened here with hindsight being 20/20- James Casbolt is a malignant narcissist with anti-social personality disorder most likely. He is a sadist and a predator of the highest order who likes to pick on empaths and vulnerable people like myself as I very much was in this situation, for years, and make a meal of them. 

At first he WAS cordial, there was no hint of the racist, violent and troubled woman-hating/decimating animal that lurked within and later harassed over 100 women according to police reports, including myself, for several years. He also had a big crush on me, and tried to get me into an extramarital affair with him, which I obviously declined. He employed gangstalking techniques that included many of his minions, including techniques that caused him to go to jail-- where I hope he stays for a very long time. 

He is not a nice man. He is not whole. He is a very damaged human. I regret ever saying that we should "respect" people like him in my Bases interview, because the words were of course misconstrued. What I meant is, we should respect when we come in contact with dangerous people like this so we can observe them and learn from them so we never have to come in contact with people like this ever again. Him and Max Spiers both are malignant narcissists at the very least. (Who also verbally, emotionally, and physically abused me and harassed me while at the same time grifted me into moving into my home for six regrettable, utterly traumatizing weeks of my life.) 

THAT SAID however, they also know how to hypnotize people, are experts at black magick, know how to place spells on people,  are highly dissociative, definitely have at least one, maybe more personality disorders, are both drug addicts (both were heroin fiends and Max was into speed balling for over a decade and were both in and out of rehab), both have domestic violence and prison records, Max's dad has deep ties to the intelligence community/CIA and routinely would have to flee the country for what Max and his sister Becky called "vacations" to Greece that were actually the whole family laying low for extended periods of time, I don't know about James for sure, but if he's a con artist about the drug dealing for MI5/MI6 that he claims, he sure knows the lingo down to the letter/has chillingly resonant things he said to me/had contacts in think tanks - one named Lincoln who really is a real person with an above top secret background -- I said military earlier, not 100% sure about that, but I think an intelligence background of some kind at the very least who now wants nothing to do with James. Both James and Max-- as most malignant narcissists are -- were charismatic enough to create armies of followers to do their bidding. 

I don't know what the real story is with Casbolt. He's probably a grifter like most narcopaths can be. But there were repeatedly things he said to me that placed a chill of recognition up my spine that were need-to-know names, dates, places/locations, terms that he couldn't have got other than through his high-end military/think tank contacts. So if he was "just a grifter", he was also able to con military intel people as well as people working at agencies with secure clearances. Not saying that's not possible, but there's more to Cas's story than meets the eye. 

Narcissists like me. I have a history of unfortunately wanting to believe the best in people, and manipulators and controllers and abusers tend to find that as much catnip as they have found my empathy for them irresistible and they have taken advantage of that goodwill time and time again. But no one has been as bad as Casbolt and Max. No one. They take the cake. And many people- including so-called "super soldiers" who know them and have also spent time with them, will also readily admit to me that these people also caused years of havoc for them personally too, they just won't talk about it publicly to save face and keep up the illusion of a united front.

The weird thing was however, that Casbolt was the only person talking about COM-12 publicly- this was years before this shadow agency was mentioned in Anthony Sanchez's book UFO Highway, the only other place I know where this very rarely mentioned, but very real faction has been talked about. So the question mark remains. I believe personally Casbolt was sent to discredit me/and/or disable me so that I would stop talking/be compartmentalized/reduced to insignificance. It worked. My life was a shambles after knowing him, the CPTSD I had went into full bloom, and for years he had people like Donald Marshall, who is certifiable, and Michael Hemmingson, who claims he has a background in game theory and who faked his death to get away from charges of stalking and harassment for many whistleblowers in the MILAB/super soldier community were some of my chief abusers/stalkers/harassers. 

I believe people like James Rink-- who I do think is absolutely in an above top secret mind control program of some kind, also was sucked into this whirlwind and used as a "flying monkey" supporter of these people and who, while essentially a naive innocent, abused me by proxy by continually insisting online and off that I was this or that fantastic, confabulated person who did this or that in such and such underground facility/event/operation. 

Max and Casbolt both know Rink and would fill his head with confabulated lies and stories and he would just go to town on that and spew it out in the public arena, thus discrediting him fully as well, in spite of the fact that I do think he is in a real mind control program/is heavily controlled but psychic/telepathic himself. Highly programmed doesn't even cover it. Think Manchurian Candidate and you are getting close. There are MANY people who are damaged by these covert programs. Many, many, many I have met- most in Hollywood. (For more on that topic, see this:

The "crazed lone shooters" you see? Most of them are victims of these types of programs as well. They are real, and they are deadly. The architects of these programs don't just wave a pocket watch in front of these people's faces and tell them "You are getting very sleepy" to achieve what they are doing, either. They are very sophisticated, and if they want someone to go full-tilt bug out because they've said too much, they will. 

They know how to make them look foolish like James too and make them "fall down" by injecting post-hypnotic suggestions/create alters/programs to make them, say, white supremacist satanist pigs, when their programming breaks down. Kind of like what happened with James. Just so you know, when James was telling me about Ellis Richards, he wasn't like that. He was very respectful. Very kind. And then, without warning, he turned on me shortly after. I don't know what happened. At all. Well, I have some vague ideas. But you'd be surprised how they block the data about that in me as well. Like I said- the black ops world is psychic ***but also*** knows the psychological tricks only someone at a level like Darren Brown would be able to detect. It is on the next level when you talk about mind controllers in black projects. It's not kiddie pool. It's pervasive and invades every aspects of a target's life- including mine, including James's, including Max. Not saying they are innocents in this, not by a long shot. Just saying: I know what it takes to create someone in a US black ops mind control program and it is pervasive. It is not just two men telling a story and it is an industry by now. A black ops, secret cottage industry. It's an institution at this point. MK-ULTRA was just a starting point, and there were something like 159 umbrella programs for that over fifty years ago. NO it did not get shut down by the Church Committee. It just went underground.

I also know James Rink to really be collateral damage to some kind of psychic link/mind control program that probably uses copious amounts of virtual reality simulations, etc to place us all in some kind of neuro-pathic (as opposed to the term neuropathic in the traditional definition meaning "nerve damage", this would be a literal link, some kind of hook up whether by technological or other means that allows us to be as telepathic and/or linked somehow with each other as we really can be and have been- whether wittingly or not.) Unfortunately, the virtual reality is used against us as well to confuse and muddy things significantly. It is part and parcel, bread and butter if you will, to the mind control program and is used in tandem with it to create virtual control programs where the person involved in them is convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that what is happening to them, no matter how outlandish, is real. 

James Casbolt really is psychic and telepathic, though. They raise us to be that as well. Of this I can personally attest as he has psychically attacked me many times/invaded my dreams/done all kinds of hoodoo-voodoo creepy stalking weirdo crazy person bullshit.  He really is a black magician. He learned if from someone/somewhere and it wasn't from a course he found on the back of a matchbook. He learned high-level stuff most likely from a military intelligence specialist trained in this sort of thing, whether in an official or unofficial capacity. 

He definitely is very dissociative, as are all of the people I have mentioned. They all have dissociative traits and all have these weird obsessions with the underground bases, operations, etc etc etc- and yet, often they come up with protocols like I have without knowing why or how. James Rink does this a lot- he gets a chilling amount of protocol and tech right which makes me wonder how he has access to that. Yes, malignant narcissists also tend to embellish/lie about/exaggerate with military training or extraordinary martial arts/military backgrounds. But these cats really are psychic. All of them. Unfortunately. 

With that said, this is James before he went full bug-out and started harassing me. Do with that what you will. I am still sifting through the rubble trying to carry on with my life and make sense of things. 



James Casbolt has responded to my requests and his information about my role in the whole super soldier saga is trippy, even for me. He has been very kind and I don't mean to paint him like a jerk. Trust is an issue, so I don't blame him for being aloof.  What he has asked me to release is a doozie. 

I needed a little clarification from him on several points; I have enclosed his answers with his permission below his initial response as well. This is it, unvarnished, nothing was taken out. I have only altered spelling and grammar. I am eternally grateful for his reply and what he brings to the table. He is a good man and we need to pay attention to him. Thank you, James, I know how hard it has been for you.

Hi, Anya,
I had my CIA/NSA friend run your details. I'm sorry but no data regarding projects came up. So much has been destroyed but I think you are correct when you say it is hidden on some super computer. Its just a matter of finding the location of this computer.

My friend even phoned his friend but still nothing which helps much. They talked about your psychic work and said they think you can be trusted. I was informed you have no criminal history and mentioned something about your name coming up in a voters registry in New York State. ( I was slightly confused by this statement ).

I feel I can now share with my connection with you. It is very interesting you mention the word 'Lobotamy' on your new post regarding Aaron and I. During the late 90's (I think it was 1997 if my memory serves me correctly ) a man named Ellis Loyd Richards, Jr. was assassinated. 

Ellis was the head of a UN connected organisation called International Security. He was a legendary figure in the black ops community and was nicked the 'Dutchman'. He came from Michigan.

His son US Air Force Space Command Captain Mark Richards led the 'Dulce battle' special forces attack on the facility in 1979. Large numbers of women being used as breeders were rescued from the facility at the time.

When the Dutchman was alive, if people in the black ops community had a problem they would go to him and he would usually sort it out. To cut a long story, when the Dutchman was killed certain factions (most likely based around the Bilderberg group ) had practically every male and female super soldier on the planet lobotomized. We all lost our abilities and forgot who we were. We placed into civilian communities around the world. This was very sad.

We experienced personality disorders, drug and alcohol addiction problems and many other things because of this. Now here comes your role at this time- because you can 'channel' other intelligences without too much damage to your mind and body, myself and others picked you up at this time and 'placed' some of the super soldiers memories within you. We knew we didn't have long and had to keep the memories safe somehow. We knew there was a good chance the Dutchman was going to be taken out and we couldn't risk storing this data on computer.

We knew if the Dutchman was gone it would only be a matter of time before we were turned into lobotomized monkeys. I cannot remember the exact date or place where we picked you up and carried this out but its only a matter of time before I remember now I have told you this. I can say this took place on board a TR3.

My fiance ( I will not use her name due to security issues ) ended up underground at Denver after the Dutchman was taken out. This has been confirmed on file. She was part of a surrogate breeding program along with many other women. She also spent time underground at Dulce in 1999. I have been part of rescue missions at both these places.

I was able to stay on the run after the Dutchman was taken out. The only way I avoided capture was by keeping on the move in submarines. The water acted as a buffer to stop AI based computer systems from scanning my locations. I spent much time in South and Central America after the Dutchman was killed. In 2000 and 2001 I was still on the run, but come 2003 I had been captured, lobotomized and placed in a civilian community in St. Ives, Cornwall a virtual vegetable.

I would like you to go public with this data on your blog, Anya.

James Casbolt/Commander Michael Prince
CAS 997365

My follow up questions and his replies below:

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 14:34:36 -0500
Subject: Re: Important

NOTE: (This was an email address published on the Project Avalon thread so I am not violating his privacy in this regard.)


Thank you a thousand times, really. I cannot express how much your openness and transparency means to me. 

I am willing to help you in this regard by posting this, but before I can do that, I have to sort out some questions here that don't make sense on the timeline. Please answer them if you can, if you can't, no problem.

Before I ask, I just wanted to say that I have lived in New York City (in the state of New York) for 17 years at least. When a legal aged adult in the US wants to vote, they have to fill out a voter registration form, which would have me living in the state of NY so that makes perfect sense that your contacts would have found that. Also if anything from the state of Ohio comes up it's because I haven't lived in Michigan since I was two, but basically was raised and lived in Ohio from the age of 3 until I was 22. Then I moved to New York (on my 23rd birthday, actually) and have lived here ever since.

1) You personally would have taken me on a TR3 and planted these memories knowing in advance that you and others like you would be lobotomized if this Ellis fellow was taken out?

Yes. Some kind of Looking Glass technology was used at the time. It was estimated there was a high probability The Dutchman would be taken out of the game.

2) Are these memories of me in wetsuits, on board submarines, everything I've told you-- are these planted memories of your experiences? Or am I really on board these submarines with you and why?

I do know the technology used that enabled you to hide these memories within yourself was set up so no 'bleedthrough' occurred I.E. the memories you have of yourself on the subs are your timeline. 
You are not expected to remember our lives and tell us what happened. You just temporarily held something precious for us. If some kind of bleed through did occur, you would have ended up in a vegetative state in a psych ward somewhere. You have kept functioning over the years and this proves the technology worked perfectly as planned.

3)  What about the man who came in my room and told me I had a stretched uterus and then he fixed it with that light device? Am I in a breeding program for just ETs or also Illuminati/mind control programs? If you can help me separate the wheat from the chaff it would be nice. I also have time travel memories I can't quite figure out. 

 This is good question. I do not have all the answers. 

4) This all makes perfect sense in the sense that I started receiving channeled messages about a year and a half ago from a guy in Space Command who called himself "John Barkley". (Not his real name, hasn't given me his real name). He was very real and told me that his job was by any means necessary to telepathically have conversations with me for 15 minutes a day. I was completely baffled by all of this. He would do anything he could to "keep me on the line" even though I was deeply suspicious of this. He would tease me like an older brother would, and actually he was quite funny, but it never made total sense, I just thought it was the NSA messing with my head or something.

My question is: Can you tell me if Space Command are the group actually doing this series of telepathic communications and who this person is/these people are?
(You don't have to name names, just if you can tell me more about why I would be receiving telepathic messages and what this particular group in Space Command specifically is involved with. He said he worked side by side with ETs but he could have been messing with me.) 

 I'll attempt to find out who this John Barkley character is. I cannot promise anything

There are lots of recorded transcripts of these interactions I made because I would often type the conversations out as we "talked". They certainly aren't coming from an alien or angelic source, that's for sure, whomever it was communicating with me is definitely a Navy man and swears like one. The messages came to me for about six months until in one conversation I got so mad at him that I refused to receive more messages and I could feel his sadness and he backed off and hasn't spoken to me since. He said Space Command was protecting me in at least one conversation, but I didn't believe him really. I didn't know what to believe. 

I'd be interested in reading these transcripts if you want to email them to me.

5) If you took me on board a TR3 in 1999 to plant memories in me, just so you know, I wasn't channeling then. I was having psychic experiences occasionally from 1991 on, but this whole telepath/channeling thing didn't start until 2008/2009 when I had a UFO sighting and a very powerful DNA activation/awakening experience. But before that, nothing. Did you know I was going to be a psychic channel someday with Looking Glass technology or something like that? 

The IBIS data that was released by Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot features my detailed timeline from 1976 to 1992. Post '92, I do not remember my life clearly as I have not covered this ground in my deprogramming sessions yet. 

And further more, how and why was I specifically chosen?

 I do not have this data at this time. I can say you have been remotely influencing mass populations 
(millions of people) on the East Coast of America for years now. This is somehow connected to the SAGE radar tower at Montauk Point.

 There would have been other channels on the planet in 1999 who were already actively channeling, why me? Please explain further if you can.

There are very few channels on the planet that have your level of capability.

6) Thank you, I just need these clarifications before I can feel comfortable publishing this. The timelines don't quite make sense but this whole Space Command thing is giving me the chills as that definitely is the agency that keeps coming back up in my story time and time again. Please feel free to have your contacts check out my videos on YouTube as well because I mention stuff about this in "The DOD says hi" video and maybe they can tell me more about "Project Arsenal" too? Do you know if that is a real program or not?

I am not familiar with Project Arsenal. Feel free to publish any data I send you.

Update re: James Casbolt

James Casbolt has responded to my requests and his information about my role in the whole supersoldier saga is trippy, even for me. He has been very kind and I don't mean to paint him like a jerk.Trust is an issue, so I don't blame him for being aloof. What he has asked me to release is a doozy. If I can just get a little clarification from him on several points; when I can, I will post his response per his request.

Message for Aaron McCollum and James Casbolt

NOTE: The problem I have with these people is the posting of September of last year on JC's facebook page that I had been involved in covert programs with him as well as Aaron McCollum and others. Max is also on that list. My beef if I have one is that James dumped this info on my plate and then refused to engage further thus putting me in a very bad state. Aaron as well has been unbelievably disappointing in his response to all of this, resulting in him hanging up on me many times when I was in distress because he thought I was being inane and disregarded my pleas for information time and time again. This is not about IBIS or James posting anything about his experiences. I wish him peace too, but for some reason, his idea of "peace" involves jumping out of TR3s and shooting people according to one account. Again, Aaron refuses to pick up the ball on any of this and I am left high and dry completely to my own devices. In my personal opinion and in my direct, personal experience, James Casbolt has been incredibly irresponsible in leaking this information to the parties involved (including me) and then walking away. Believe it or not, I have no hard feelings against you, James, but you have done zilch in the way of follow up and I have had my life completely upended by being told that I was in this with you, Aaron McCollum and others. This IBIS post should give you an idea of the hell this man has gone through and possibly myself if indications are to be believed, I have no idea. But I need to know in a way that doesn't leave me virtually lobotomized in shock. Please offer me solutions here. All the supersoldiers I have been in contact with are really good about dishing info, but they tend to be lacking in follow through.

Aaron barely speaks to me as a result of this fateful Facebook posting and thinks it is "made up" and says he won't give it energy. He also has displayed palpable contempt that at least one other person is lumped in with him and thinks he's making this claim up that he is a supersoldier as well. So much for unity and cooperation!

James and Aaron, we need to talk, because you've both done a shit-poor job of doing followup so far. You know how to reach me. 

And if it's not IBIS specifically, then it is definitely other programs. But reading this information triggered me, which probably is not random. I am also supposedly most likely in a psi program called "Valkyrie" among others.

I am sure what James thinks he's doing is responsible, but by not answering my questions, he further creates oportunities for me to be damaged by this. Being in the dark and not being offered solutions, but being told that you are involved with something this deep black cannot be viewed as anything less than the equivalent of giving a child scissors and being told to run as hard and as fast as you can with them. My attempts at trying to find out what exactly has happened have resulted in me being punished, and a lot. Max Spiers and I were invovled and I believe that was a remote influenced relationship with the regressives orchestrating that. If you are as close to Max as you say you are, James, you should have told me that he had a domestic violence record, as well as a prison record. He's also completely insane. The result of our pairing was just as the Powers That Be would have imagined. You are not the only one struggling with this craziness, James. You need to offer more assistance than you have. If it is incredibly dangerous to be given too much information too soon, then why bother telling me in the first place? Offer alternatives, then. Offer people I can speak to who can help with the deprogramming process.

Additionally, even though Aaron becomes completely incensed by people who are not in the military claiming supersoldier status (even though I would never seek out calling myself that or any label), he still sent me documents that at the top of the page stated very clearly "The MILAB phenomenon is essentially a supersoldier program". So Aaron, there are many people in these types of situations who may not have killed entire villages including women and children as you have, but that doesn't mean we aren't in the same programs you are.

And by the way, if you seek legitimacy, Aaron, I don't think the best way to do it is by championing people like George fucking Kavassilas.