
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Me in the Bases 21 interview



  1. You are obviously under mind control in this interview, ulike Bases 15. Who is controlling you, Anya dear? We both know. Your clones know. What Casbolt told you is true. TR-3s are not so big inside, max crew of 5. your perception was off from the drugs Aaron injected you with.

    1. Hahahaha- this is a 19 year old writing this note. Not a lawyer. You're cute. I mean it, really. You're adorable. Usually 19 year olds are the only ones asking me out on dates. Them, and married men. I don't know why that is. Maybe it's a dare. It's not even about me, even, it's what I represent to them. They think it's very convoluted, I'm sure. But the clumsy attempts are pretty obvs, don't you think? It's funny how men sublimate many states of being to think they can control me. They don't. But I suppose it's a nice sexual fantasy for people who feel they don't have any personal control over their own lives and don't want to look at the sham that is their own existence. I can help you with that! And no, I don't mean it as a double entendre. I mean I really can. Lots of men are utilizing me through sublimation as a whipping boy for their own frustrations in ahem, all areas of life. But darling, I am not your cypher. That's Casbolt's job. Mwah, A-

  2. Thanks, Anya, I'm looking foward to the next parts of SolarisBlue Ravens interview too. I've been a member of her site for a year or so and learnt of her story before finding yours.

    This is not just entertainment for me. It is important stuff that humanity must know about as we move foward, especially as we learn about our spirituality as our essence and also not just another me too belief system to have small talk with others at parties.

    1. Thank you for listening, SP. I appreciate it. Blessings, Anya
