A psychic medium's true story of how she came to discover herself and all of the strange things that happened to her along the way.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Update #3 re: Binnall of America article
CORRECTION: A.M. Murphy just told me that Tim is on hiatus with BoA until just after the Christmas holidays but that he is definitely publishing the first article on me the week after Xmas. Sorry for any confusion.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Exciting Updates! Part 2: Acceptance into Best American Psychics!
Currently I am representing the state of New York, but if you are not in New York and click on my webpage on the site, I will be able to work with you as well regardless of your location. Eventually I will have a national presence on the site.
My page:
Another reason I am beyond thrilled to be a part of this is that the integrity of the business is sterling, and in practicing this philosophy, the site has attracted the winner of the Lifetime show "America's Psychic Challenge", Michelle Whitedove! For those of you who aren't aware of this woman, she is a POWERHOUSE- the coup de grace of her winning the show was that as one of the challenges, she found a man buried alive under 6 feet of dirt in an unmarked ten acre ranch in the middle of the desert. She literally stood on top of the spot where he was buried. Here's footage of this incredible event, this woman is the real deal and I am so proud to be on the same roster as her as an esteemed member of the site:
Check it out and if you want to hire me for a reading, group session, or public speaking event, by all means contact me!
Love and light,
Exciting updates! Part 1: Ongoing coverage of me on Binnall of America

I will be featured in a series of articles about me beginning this Wednesday on Binnall of America's website! The fabulously talented writer, author, and tarot card reader A.M. Murphy will be covering the ongoing series. I have really enjoyed her company these last few weeks as she continues to interview me. She has a great sense of humor, doesn't miss a beat, is incredibly warm hearted and clear eyed.
Here's a link to her column on the site:
And to her website:
And of course, the link to BoA:
Links to all of this will also be found on my "Links" column on this blog to the right shortly.
For those of you who are not aware of their web presence, BoA has quickly become the dark horse go-to source for all things para, with interviews on their audio shows ranging from guests such as Jim Marrs to Nick Redfern and everyone in between.
I greatly respect the crew and writers of the show. Tim Binnall (the founder) is a wunderkind, only 31, he's been on the roster for Coast To Coast AM for a while and is on the "sign off" list each night on the show now along side industry figure heads such as Art Bell, George Noory, Ian Punnett, and George Knapp. It seems to me Tim might even be the heir apparent for when the Old Guard is ready to hand over the post. He's got a dispassionate investigator's eye and a healthy sense of humor about the whole thing and I do so very much appreciate that. I also like Tim because he asks the questions I would ask, not a very common feat in para reportage, lol- He "goes there" if you catch my drift.
Look for the series about me on the BoA site under A.M. Murphy's "Not Always So" column beginning this Wednesday, December 16th.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Aliens 'already exist on earth', Bulgarian scientists claim
Aliens from outer space are already among us on earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life.
Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.
They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them.
Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.
He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions.
"Aliens are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time," Mr Filipov told Bulgarian media.
"They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them."
Mr Filipov said that even the seat of the Catholic church, the Vatican, had agreed that aliens existed.
He said humans were not going to be able to establish contact with the extraterrestrials through radio waves but through the power of thought.
"The human race was certainly going to have direct contact with the aliens in the next 10 to 15 years," he said.
"Extraterrestrials are critical of the people's amoral behavior referring to the humans' interference in nature's processes."
The publication of the BAS researchers report concerning communicating with aliens comes in the midst of a controversy over the role, feasibility, and reform of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Last week it lead to a heated debate between Bulgaria's Finance Minister, Simeon Djankov, and President Georgi Parvanov.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Ed Grimsley corroborates Gary McKinnon's claim that he found a list of "non-terrestrial" officers when he hacked the NASA database
Further evidence that we should all do everything we can to ensure that this travesty of justice regarding the unjust and heavy handed extradition of Gary McKinnon to the US should be blocked at all costs. We the people have an obligation to see that the truth gets out there and that Gary is tried on his home soil for the "crime" he committed. There are hundreds of people who have hacked into NASA while he was doing this, some even from non-allied countries, accessing far, far more damaging state secrets than what Gary was doing. It is clear this is a kangaroo court scenario out to destroy one man to set an example, even though NASA didn't even bother to mind the store by placing passwords on the computers he supposedly "damaged".
And can someone PLEASE finally go there and talk to me in depth on record about my experiences with the secret space program? Seriously, can one of you researchers finally grow a set and GO THERE already? I am getting REALLY tired of providing information regarding my work as a civilian telepath liaison for these "non-terrestrial officers" who supposedly work "side by side" with ETs and not a one of you will touch it publicly with a ten foot pole, but privately you are all doing a happy dance when I tell you.
You all know who you are, each and every single one of you. I feel like the fat girl whom everyone passes by at the dance but who never fail to say "but you have such a pretty face". Dance with me, already, people! I ain't doin' this for my health. It's time to get it out there. If it's disinfo I am being fed, then SO BE IT- but don't you think that if I really do have a
"neuropathic transmitter" in my head that supposedly the NSA claims they placed in me, THAT's news worthy enough as it is???
If it's mind control, don't you think you'd like to find out WHY they chose some random woman in the Bronx with an MFA and no interest in pulling the wool over anyone's eyes? If it turns out to be disinfo, then WHY? Don't you guys think it would be worthy to look into this? Jesus Christ already somebody take this seriously. I just want answers as to why I am being targeted for telepathy experiments at the very least- maybe some of it is human some not, who knows? If I find out it was 100% human involvement the whole time, then I want answers as to WHY as well, shouldn't anyone have a right to know WHY they are being fucked with as much as I have if that is in fact what it is - and not a one of you has publicly so much as said anything about this but behind the scenes EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU are hyperventilating on the spot. Some of you are very famous researchers and can tell when something is real and something is not pretty much immediately. Most of you have done the exact opposite of dismissing it out of hand- privately- privately some of you (and I even have the emails to prove it) have even stated "this rings true" "Holy Moley, what an incredible story!!!" etc etc--- Ok, so if you can't get out of your field of specialization, then REFER ME TO SOMEONE WHO DEALS WITH PEOPLE LIKE ME. What the hell is wrong with you people? Can't a one of you at least help me just a little with finding some answers? That's all I want! It's not like I can go to the library and find a damned book on the subject. I've had corroboration after corroboration happening to me for the last two years telling me what is happening is real in the news, with other scientists and hackers and researchers, and YET- and YET they won't speak to me for some reason. It's totally bizarre.
And those of you who dismissed the secret UN meetings out of hand- your arrogance is going to bite you on the ass eventually. "They" are banking on your incredulity to keep doing what they are doing behind the scenes, and they are laughing at you while they do it. Show some moral courage and take public interest in what I have to offer. If I am a scammer, fraud, con artist- it will reveal itself in time. Why am I putting myself out there so publicly? It's not like I have anything to gain from it. Is it a coincidence that the beings, if that's who they are, made me so psychic in the last year I literally cannot stop doing readings for people? Like, literally: compulsively doing readings for people. I literally had to abandon the day job because this calling was so strong that I couldn't stop. Is it a coincidence that I have contact and communication telepathically every night and all day practically with these people/beings/whomever they are? What is WRONG with you people? I will submit to any medical, scientific, psychological, literally any kind of exam you want. I will do WHATEVER it takes to get to the bottom of this. I just want answers. I want to work with you but I CAN'T because you won't touch my claims with a ten foot pole!!!!
Consider this my hissy fit and challenge to you to find some moral courage and research my story already.
My journey with researchers has been infuriatingly frustrating and disappointing to say the least.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Final McKinnon plea fails....
British Home Secretary Alan Johnson has refused to halt the extradition of alleged hacker Gary McKinnon and he may well now be extradited to the USA this side of Christmas.
I ask you all to write to the British government in every way possible by e-mail, post and to all departments to stop this abuse of human rights. The crime was committed here in the UK and under our own laws,m Gary should be tried here in the UK and not extradited to face life in prison in the USA, just for trying to found out the TRUTH about UFO's!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I Could Tell You, But Then You Would Have To Be Destroyed By Me
And a guest blog for Powell's books by the author, who has some additional patches on the page I believe not listed in the book- seriously intriguing stuff, for me particularly the "Altair" patch- I dunno why.
More secret space program info
It is a very uneasy alliance according to my star being contacts, they realize how volatile and frankly stupid it is to use nuclear power to go into deep space travel, time portals/worm holes and the like, but they agreed to it because- and again, I have no way of proving this- it was "divinely decreed" and that it was "time" to finally allow us to be truly galactic citizens in spite of the minority's lack of sensitivity or insight into the profundity and danger of that decision.
Regardless of the reckless decision, someone on high apparently seems to think we are ready and that they obviously made provisions to see that something was overriding the system so they wouldn't accidentally blow themselves up and cause an intergalactic nuclear holocaust in the process.
Nonetheless, the presence of this patch indicating that nuclear warheads are being sent- into space- God knows where- is intriguing to say the least. It's definitely in line with what my contacts in Solar Warden told me, I really had no idea this "Orion Project" even existed until just now. The top secret patches reveal all kinds of interesting secret space program symbols and especially symbols that I recognized immediately as being relevant geographically to the beings who are contacting me, namely beings from the Orion star system, the Annunaki in Nibiru, and others. I don't know why, but those patches look really familiar to me... And then of course at 3:22 there's a curious looking, as the poster describes it "dimensional gate"... hmmm... very curious... Oh, I remember where I saw these patches- they come from a book called "I Could Tell You, But Then You Would Have To Be Destroyed By Me" about real black ops patches. Highly recommended book. How the author got ahold of them, I have no idea. But they look real.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
So cool.
Many thanks for your fb friend request.
all the best,
Richard Dolan
Friday, November 20, 2009
Oh my God. Seriously, don't ask me how this came to me, because I don't even know what half of this stuff means.
So I'm on my kick lately with LinkedIn, and I come across this inquiry in one of my groups (fyi it's a consultants' group) and a member brought this interesting inquiry up about the future of Business Intelligence.
So what happens but suddenly I find myself typing out this response.
It was my guides of course, but I swear to God I've barely even heard of the term "anodyne" much less what it can do. (Google "Anodyne techniques" and see what pops up) Turns out it is highly relevant to interfacing with biological processes:
Group Topic:
Business Intelligence gets "Sixth Sense".
Question: What are your Sixth Sense ideas?
Check out: http://deepaksethspeak.blogspot.com/2009/11/business-intelligence-chronicles-part.html Pranav Mistry of MIT has morphed the cellphone, projector, camera and a few other devices to create something that looks like it’s pulled from the pages of a science fiction book. Check out the videos on the link above. What does it mean for BI: interactive reports projected on the walls of elevators as people continue their discussions after heading out from meeting rooms? Reports dynamically structured basis who is participating in the discussions? What are your Sixth Sense ideas?
My answer (where it came from, heaven only knows):
Interesting query, considering I am a practicing psychic intuitive consultant who literally carries the "sixth sense"!
I would say this: the future of business technology remains to be seen, but the forging ahead of new technology will maintain steady growth in the fields of anodyne technology- fields of research into anodyne techniques and growth patterns will reveal certain factions of brain-to-computer nanotech that solidify the mind-body resolution of the scale ratio of skin-to-growth necessary to feed that arc.
Yes, friends, nanotech is the next great frontier and don't be surprised if microchips start playing a role in all of this. Some would say it is the "New World Order" of things, but I prefer to call it "luck of the draw" as to who comes forth with the next great interface system for collaboration in this field of mind-body-spirit that it seems to be taking.
Next we'll take the heart and soul of this: For instance: keep buying up stocks that seem to be futile declarations of this sort or the other, we'll be seeing nanotechnology making a comeback in a big way. The next 6-8 years will be a boon for the future service industries as well related to frontier technology such as this. Integrated microchipping will instill a fear in others that it would be too invasive, but essentially the practice of microchipping is done externally already, and the GPS systems found in the cell phone or microphone of every semi-conductor are taking over the gain to be had in business software. Make sure you see fit to check out the number of other features and accommodations regarding chipping in the near future as it will foretell the nature of the beast as pertains to all things convenient and portable.
This is what I feel like most of the time.

I just love this image. Very much what my DNA activation felt like. "Lifted" from the Humanity Healing site.If you are a conscious entrepreneur/healer, consider putting your listing there to support their efforts.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Brief interview with Adrian Hicks that includes picture of woman ET he saw "walking the high street".
This is very much how Aya and Ra'I'El's bodies and faces looked like. Not the clothing though. They were both wearing fitted suits that looked like cat burglar or deep sea diving outfits. But their arms were doing the same sort of wavy thing and they sort of had this snake-like sideways walk that is very hard to describe.
British councilman encountered ET in 2004, calls for ET disclosure as result. "It changed my life."
Does anyone reading this know about timeline differentials? Please enlighten me.
Welcome to my world!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Things that make you go Hmmm.
I mean really. Do they REALLY expect us to just blindly take it anymore and not notice? This timeline is getting very interesting:
Exhibit A:
Water on the moon announced officially at rush hour on a Friday afternoon.
Exhibit B:
A week and a half before Obama is supposed to disclose something really, really big about something or other regarding the ET engagement with the human race, and three days after they officially find water on the moon, he goes to visit the Prime Minister of Japan and his wife, whom the press cannot get enough of because she claims she was abducted by aliens and went to Venus on a spaceship- Reuters, every news outlet covered this. Front page stuff.
Note the press and the home office went ape doo-doo when he did a full formal, traditional Japanese bow for the Emperor and his wife in front of the press. I believe that was sending a VERY clear message to the Powers That Be that he was bowing to the Japanese way of doing things- maybe even their incredibly enthusiastic and open attitude towards disclosure. It was, shall we say, a very "symbolic" bow of ways and means to come.
Exhibit C:
Now this conspicuous heap of junk aka the Space Shuttle Atlantis is getting ready to be "replaced by a capsule-style spacecraft called ***Orion*** that can travel "to the moon and other places in the solar system". Don't even get me started on the fact that the shuttle was called Atlantis and this new thingy is named after where supposedly portions of the Annunaki come from. Not to mention that NASA is an occultist's wet dream. (Do the research- the place consists of nothing but Freemasons, Nazis, and Magicians in the Alistair Crowley tradition.)
Indeed, Watson. The game is afoot!
Not to mention I keep getting downloaded and visited out the wazoo and the beings keep saying "The game is afoot" over and over again! They just did it to me again today.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's official: Water on the moon. And they release it at rush hour on a Friday.
LOTS of interesting inconsistencies about the nature of the "explosion" on the moon in this article- also very interesting is this part:
The scientists hinted that other surprises may be coming in the next few months, as they continue studying the data from the mission, dubbed the LCROSS. "The full understanding of the LCROSS data may take some time. The data is that rich"
This raises my HMMMMMM factor by 9.
Oh. Wow. Wowy wow.
Many discredit this man, many of those people are paid CIA/NSA employees hired to discredit him, and shame on the researcher or film maker who dismisses his evidence out of hand. His story is well known in most other parts of the world, but once again the media suppression on his particular case in the United States is appalling. I think in part this is due to the manufactured controversy that unfortunately precedes him and it has done an excellent job of throwing off/scaring away journalists who would otherwise want to pursue the story.
XChronicles actually is an acquaintance of mine to be perfectly transparent about this, and he doesn't know I am promoting this video either, fyi. But he has asked to interview me and has told me Dr. Reed knows about me as well. Neither of them have asked me to post this as I haven't even told them about this, but I will be sending it their way now!
So as par for the course, the trigger word gets weird: I am watching this video and Mr. Raith says one of my trigger words: Mariposa. I was making some tea while this was happening and I stopped dead in my tracks and said "Omigod" about 57 times. Check out what "Mariposa" is. (Around 2:40 on the video.)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Shocking new corroborations about S-4 bases (Area 51, underground bases, aliens, etc) from two sources of Wendell Stevens, MUST SEE
I swear to God it sounds like I have a crush on him I keep bringing him up so much, but really, I think it's the reverse. Henry, you are SO not my type. No you may NOT carry my books home from school.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just realized something.
Usually what happens is there are at least two of them that always show up - now that I think about it, all of the positive encounters I have had have been with duos of beings. The regressive/rogue elements always seem to show up by themselves.
The positive ones always have one who talks and one who doesn't! It's almost like the silent one is just assisting, or taking it all in, or waiting to see if their help is required. ALWAYS. Just now realizing this. Amazing.
I just came up with this.
A: ConteXt
Was just sending a thank you note to Steven Bassett for another great interview on Coast to Coast AM and he was referring to the influx of Gen-Xers (count me in that stat) who are showing more and more interest in the exopolitical movement. Steven is always good at not throwing the baby out with the bathwater or diffusing attempts from other researchers to polarize the subject of disclosure by discounting it or saying it is irrelevant and a waste of one's time to try and adapt legislative proceedure and to get it into the mainstream as a topic of relevance. I am always scratching my head when people in the "movement" are want to do, to which I always have to resist the urge to say "do you have avoidance personality disorder or something?" because they think legislation is tantamount to becoming a Bilderberger or somesuch.
Well la dee dah, la dee dah: I suppose if you want to go on your UFO mountain top and ignore the fact that engaging and educating the mainstream so that they can become more informed and make more empowered, conscious decisions about the world they wish to co-create, you CAN, but it's kind of missing the whole point, peeps!
Love and Light,
Am being given phrases and words now that seem to be a code for something/activation sequence for something
They say a bunch of words and for some reason I repeat them, sometimes there are phrases too.
Last night I was downloaded and it was so funny- they had a series of phrases and words that I was saying as some kind of code/activation sequence for *something*, what I have no idea (well, I have some kind of idea, but I don't want to say it too soon for fear I will stop the natural process by which it should unfold).
And two of the phrases they (whomever 'they' is) kept repeating in between "trigger words" they ask me to repeat now (for my continual DNA upgrades? For downloads? To be a Manchurian Candidate? To participate in a Spelling Bee? I have no idea- the words change almost daily and usually I can only remember one or two) were from Sherlock Holmes:
"Elementary, my dear Watson"
"The game is afoot"
Again, ????
I don't try to figure it out, I am just the stenographer...
Was turning the radio dial the other day and heard this:
Isn't Radio Disney supposed to be a kids station?
Is the concept of a wormhole such a popular term that they can use it as an ad for DISNEY?
This is the same company that made that film Race to Witch Mountain... Hmmm... a film about human alien children trying to get back to their home planet while stuck in Las Vegas at a UFO convention; Whitley Strieber has a cameo and everything... not sayin' this is connected to disclosure, but...
xo A-
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Reset your brain and teach others too
Dr. Rauni Kilde recommends this technique for preventing EMF waves, etc. from interferring with your brainwaves/mood, etc.
It serves as a very effective "re-set" button for your chi energy.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Rauni Kilde hits it out of the ballpark again.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
This is what the time portals I create look like. (Copyright, Tiho Vujovic
Aya, my Pleiadian guide. (copyright, Tiho Vujovic)
Just taped an interview for a TV show/pilot this past Friday
For those of you who don't know, The Tiho Show aired over 100 episodes in the host's native Montenegro, and now that he is in the States, he created the pilot US episode to shop around to producers.
I don't know when the air date is, but it will also be airing on Manhattan Neighborhood Network locally in New York City, and he will be showing it to at least one really big cheese deal producer (helped produce at least one blockbuster) when he goes out to LA next week to shop it around.
Tiho is kind of a big deal in Montenegro, he's this amazing whirling dervish who reminds me a lot like Roberto Begnini, and he often stops in the middle of something and says "I am the best artist IN THE WORLD" and continues on, it's very funny-
The show format would often revolve around UFO/ET/contactee experiences (further proof the rest of the world is interested in the topic, it's only the US that lags behind-far, far behind- in education and serious discussion on the subject) as Tiho is also an experiencer and paints these incredible paintings about what he is shown/has seen/chooses to re-create a la Salvador Dali.
(FYI, Dali also dabbled in time travel, dimensions, and the like. There's info about Dali and his secret society involvements in France having to do with the aforementioned topics that are truly remarkable. I think Ian Punnet on Coast to Coast AM has a great interview with a woman writer who became a sort of by-proxy member of the same secret society that Dali was in in the 50s talking about the remarkable things that happened/she was told/witnessed.)
Tiho really is an incredibly talented artist, not the least of which is because he actually paints what I see, and in one instance, he even painted a picture of Aya, my Pleiadian guide, which just about made me fall on the floor the first time I saw that.
How I met Tiho was my friend Charity serendipitously was contacted by him online with a media art project she was working on and when she saw his work, she said to me "I know someone who might want to meet you..." The first meeting with Tiho this summer turned into a three hour channel, natch.
I'm going to try and post the two images, as one is one of the time portals I create, and one is of Aya- forgive my technical incompetency if I can't get them posted right away.
Here's Tiho's web address so you can see for yourself the multi-dimensional qualities of his work- I also have seen the ectoplasmic "spider web" or "swiss cheese" material he envelops his studies with as well in my journeys with inter-dimensional travel, it's kind of remarkable.
What I channel verbally, he seems to channel visually, and he's actually been told by several scientists independently that his paintings not only have a "healing" quality, but that the scientists have said that they also seem to visually depict really advanced physics theories as concepts on canvas - he's quite a remarkable person.
Tiho's site:
Oh, and one more thing, this kind of blew my mind - before the taping, I was nervously seated waiting for the interview to start, feeling quite self-conscious and awkward, thinking "once the toothpaste is out of the tube, you can't put it back in again" as this was my very first TV appearance, and I guess to calm my nerves, the beings started to do a very funny reading for the couple seated next to me.
They were a very formal but kind and receptive couple, it was all about what kinds of food they liked, he liked roasts- pot roasts, pork roasts, etc. etc, and she was very good at cooking native Montenegran dishes. I also told the woman she REALLY liked artichoke dip with parmesan cheese, and that she was at some event recently where they were serving it as an appetizer and she really lit up like a candle when I said that, and then we did the taping, and afterward, the couple came up to me and the man shook my hand and said "I am an Ambassador from the Montenegran Consulate. On behalf of the people of Montenegro, you are welcome to visit the embassy any time."
You could have knocked me over with a feather, lol - they were lovely, and is it any wonder the woman would be at an event where appetizers would be served? I bet all dignitaries eat is appetizers, lol
Love and Light,
PS- People were lovely at the taping, and afterward I was swamped with people telling me they were having all kinds of paranormal experiences now and what should they do about it. I am pretty sure most of the audience had no idea what the subject matter for the taping was before hand as well, which is even more interesting!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Doesn't he know I am not necessarily that kind of psychic and that I HATE predictions? Hate 'em. Time is a stream, not a hard and fast rule.
ANYHOO, I didn't have time to get into it with him about the Law of One or the Unified Field Theory or the fact that if I was correct I would forever more be inundated by bookies and "gentlemen callers" masquerading as a date when in fact they were trying to get sports scores.
The beings said I could do this, but that if I was right, I would forever more be inundated with phone calls from sports addicts, and that it would "clog" the path I was currently on.
FYI, they said "Posada gains in the third and Jeter wins it in the ninth" whatever that means. They said "it's Posada's game" meaning I guess the Yankees win the last game, which isn't such a surprise, right? I mean they are the Frankenstein team to end all- whatever. "The best team money can buy" is the phrase around these parts. Well, the parts of NY with Mets fans at least, ha.
I personally feel like a circus freak doing stuff like the above mentioned, but what do you guys think? Should I call this reporter guy? Obviously he's on deadline so if you respond after today, no matter. But do you all think I am serving my mission best by predicting sports scores? Hmmmm....
Love and Light,
Monday, November 2, 2009
Brad Pitt interested in Channeling?
Brad Pitt’s Spirit Channeling
Brad Pitt, who previously graced the cover of Architectural digest, has become obsessed with “deep-trance spirit channeling”.
Brad Pitt
The 44-year-old actor, who raises six children with partner Angelina Jolie, is believed to have become interested in the phenomenon after watching a US television documentary
A source revealed: “Brad is having sort of a midlife crisis. He is asking the big questions, like ‘What do I want to do with the rest of my life?’
The source continued: “He has also taken up deep-trance spirit channeling, trying to commune with ghosts, after watching the documentary ‘Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America’. Angelina is trying to be supportive but is now worried that Brad may become obsessed.”
Brad Pitt is also said to be keen to explore his hobby in a new movie
, but is facing protests from Angelina.
The source added: “Brad is looking for a script about channeling, but Angelina is afraid that if he tries to bring it into the mainstream, people will really think he’s gone off the deep end.”
Personally, I wouldn't worry too much that Angelina is freaking out over this. This is the woman obsessed with knives and used to carry a vial of her lover's blood on a pendant? Nah. I would be willing to bet she's down with it. Sounds like some hype-machine machinations going on behind the scenes for that article...
"Tuning In" by the way, is a GREAT movie. Really excellent doc on the process and how it is. I say good for Brad! (You can find it free online on Youtube. Just type in "Tuning In Movie" in the search engine.)
Love and Light,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
I don't talk about this very much, but what happened to the girl in the movie happened to me on a much, much smaller scale when I was 20 and living in a haunted house in Ohio. It remains to this day one of the singular most terrifying experiences of my life, and I can testify that whatever this disembodied spirit was was definitely trying to harm me as well, and did the same thing to me in my bed that happens to her in the beginning. (A spirit, or what they call a demon, sits on top of her and tries to choke her- in my case they sat on top of me and tried to suffocate me by pressing down on my chest while something under the bed was slowly pressing upwards so that I would literally have the life squeezed out of me as if I were trapped in a giant wine or olive press of some kind.)
I literally was being attacked, and I don't know WHAT possessed me (if you'll pardon the pun), but something in me called out to Jesus, I think I said something like "Jesus Christ, please help me!" and suddenly an invisible hand very quickly helped me sit up in bed- I literally felt some kind of invisible hand help me sit up, and I felt warm and protected and no longer fearful, and I started yelling at this thing to get out of my house and swearing at it and telling it it had bothered us enough (the haunting went on for about 9 months straight) and this being made out of intense blue-white light who looked like a Depression-era farmer jumped up in my face and turned into some kind of ghoul, and then flew out the window in the direction of a cemetery that was right down the street from my home. We never had another negative incident in the home after that.
There's way more to the story than that, but that is the gist of it. I am not one to be religious, and I wasn't even seriously calling out to Jesus specifically, it was simply a call for help, but I definitely received it. I have met Jesus before. Really. He's great, and I love him so much. I've also met Mary, The Angel Gabriel, and Arcangel Michael. Buddha, Sufic masters of the 13th century, Ra, Abraham, and even King Arthur once came through when I was beginning as a channel. All of these masters, as well as the many others I have spoken with all are here to teach specific lessons, as well as universal ones.
That is why I am not fully prepared, or here to say Jesus specifically is "the savior". Especially since in my very first written channel, they used the quote "The kingdom of heaven is within, dear children".
There are so many Ascended Masters, and they all essentially are speaking the same message through different facets of interpretation, which is the knowledge of and experience of love through the prism of experiential framework.
Plus, to say Jesus is the one true savior kind of contradicts the whole message the beings tell me about continually, which is that we are here to save **ourselves**. Jesus is very real, though, as are demons and/or negative spirits. I just don't fancy to claim I know who they are and why they are communicating with who they are communicating with.
I also found it interesting that in the movie, they refer to Emily as a "hypersensitive" and that these kinds of spirits are very attracted to these types of people. My mother told me when I was a teenager that I was a "sensitive" person- meaning, in the clinical sense, not as a kind of derogatory term, ha- and it was so true- strong lights, loud sounds, even certain types of fabric I wear make me want to go out of my skin- crowded rooms have to have A LOT of love going on to not give me a panic attack or feel like the walls are caving in, and then of course lest we forget, there's also that whole "I see dead people" thing. ;-)
I heart Mike Clelland/PAY FOR IT, PEOPLE
Had an INTENSE, really great six hour phone call with the guy yesterday (fittingly enough, on Halloween), very moving at points- this calls to mind several conversations I have had by phone with other contactees/experiencers, and they all seem to find me or I find them in pretty much the same manner Mike found me- it's like a magnetic pull, and then we spill the beans with each other for hours, and it always feels like a long-lost friend or family reunion. As in, I KNOW the guy as a family member or from a long time back in school without that being the case, of course -- very interesting experience.
Anyhoo, the guy is a multi-talented force of nature. Subscribe to his AMAZING blog. Hire him to draw incredible artwork for you. Pay for one of his incredible,
MacGyver-esque, survive-in-the-woods-with-nothing-but-a-stick-of-gum-and-a-bowl-of-marbles tours he gives for ultra-light backpacking trips.
Here's links to his sites:
Do I sound like an NPR Fall Fundraiser? I don't care, y'alls need to understand something: most of the experiencers and contactees I know (including me) are DEAD BROKE. I am talking BROKE. Did I mention BROKE ASS BROKE? We do what we can to come into your worlds and do normal stuff and then go back to ours and have our regular visits with destiny and some inter-dimensional benevolent reptilian healer named K'taah, or some cat-faced Lyran who is doing etheric surgery on our stomach to remove emotional blocks, but doing so tends to put a damper on the funds.
If one of us has a service or product we provide, and you like our story and want to read about or hear more, request our services and pay for them. This supports our efforts and gets the word out further faster without us hyperventilating into a paper bag because we can't pay the rent that month.
We are not Wal-Mart. We are not a trans-national corporation. We are not, for the most part, tenured professors at Ivy League schools and this "contactee thingy" is just gravy. This is our life. We are for the most part, independent contractors because the stuff that happens to us is so outlandish, it makes it nearly impossible to lead a 9 to 5 life.
Most of us literally are walking such a narrow financial tightrope, and are just barely able to provide this information to the world while probably fretting about whether or not the DSL service used to make the videos we make will be on next month, and yes, we all asked for this, but there is such a thing as reciprocity. If I can't keep my lights on, it's a pretty safe bet you won't be being entertained by my tales of astral visits to Sirius B to speak to an Intergalactic Council, now will I? And as opposed to really bad science fiction, this is really happening to me!
Enough with the haters saying this should be free. 95% of what I give of my information is free. But let's be realistic, people. I ain't gonna take a vow of poverty and wear a hair-shirt just to satisfy some skeptic's idea of "legitimacy" and you shouldn't either. The NESARA Act hasn't passed yet, so until that magical day happens, let's try to spread the love AND the cabbage around just a little bit.
(I will also definitely consider barter: I need help with web design/promotional materials/PR in a big way... just sayin'...If you have skills to do any/all of that, please send me samples/links of your work and if I think it's appropriate for what I am doing, let's talk.)
Email me at: anyaisachannel@gmail.com for rates and scheduling for an appointment.
And I love you even if you don't pay for a reading, but I will be much less stressed out about the electric bill if you do pay!
(FYI, sorry, guys, but due to the sheer volume of high strangeness that happens to me and the amount of time it takes place in, at this time I cannot do free readings requests anymore. If I am compelled to give a free reading, I will certainly do so, and do so still quite a bit, in fact most of my readings are free. But if you are requesting a free reading, due to financial and time based limitations, that is no longer possible.)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The role of compassion in an experiential reality framework
Please feel free to leave your insights on the true nature of compassion as you see fit.
Love and light,
Friday, October 16, 2009
My #1 problem with the new age movement addressed by David Icke
This video also includes an intriguing answer to a question asked before this segment at the beginning about whether or not Jim Morrison had been a victim of the infamous CIA- backed mind control program of the 60s and 70s known as MK-ULTRA. Many children of CIA/military families were guinea pigs/incubators for this program.
Listen to what his daddy did during Viet Nam...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The will will survive if all else fails, dear ones- Message from Atmos of Sirius
Atmos came by this evening- he was very communicative with me, lol- what a loving presence he has- wow. I hope this message is useful for you. Love and light, Anya
Friday, October 9, 2009
"A really profound discovery."
Annunaki channeled message re: Lunar Impact Mission 10/9/09
Sorry if this is complete gobbledeegook, lol- If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen, if the explosion happens, the explosion happens, and then they said something about Des Moines, Iowa and some guy named Ralph? Do you see how I am not so invested in predictions in channels, lol? I am only doing this because they asked and they literally hijacked my DSL service, so there ya go, lol
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monarch 2 - Documentary about Mind control/Microwave weapons documentary
Please watch this excellent documentary...
Microwave Attacks/Ego Tripping "New Agers"/Fear of Information
Recently I was attacked by microwave technology. I asked for help and was told that it happened to me because of anything running the gamut from "The Galactic Federation of Light did it" and that I was now "compromised" to "My 'energetics' were not aligned" to "I attracted it to me" to "Serves you right, let that be a lesson to you" to "You are messing with the forces of evil" to "It was demons" to "You left yourself wide open for an attack". None of these people asked what my experience was. They told me, even though that wasn't what I was asking. I didn't recall them giving me help through any of it, but boy were there plenty of lectures.
Not one of them even considered or addressed the possibility that it could have been a far more pedestrian reason: that it was an attack because I was a contactee who has had *800 BILLION* terabytes of information downloaded into my databank in the last year and a half regarding the mechanics of UFO propulsion systems. And that the NSA has been monitoring me heavily and that I have had communications with agents about UFO propulsion systems and that I didn't tell them what they wanted to know. I was not surprised in the least that I had been attacked, but what was more disappointing was the utter lack of compassion and a complete unwillingness to address the most obvious issue first from these so-called "healers".
That I had information the NSA wanted and I didn't give it to them couldn't possibly be the reason. There was also a shocking lack of education on the subject of microwave technology from these people. Some of them refused to even acknowledge it as a possibility and instead harped on the fact that it was "The Law of Attraction" and that I simply had anger issues. These are so-called "enlightened" people. Well, they call themselves that, at any rate, but I digress.
My point is, I thanked the experience as experiential reality and know that it did not destroy me or keep me from my mission in the slightest. It's almost beside the point that I was attacked by this technology. What is important as the outcome is that I have found that there are many people who fear that if they research a topic that is unpleasant, it will somehow happen to them, or "create" that reality for them. There should be no fear of information, no matter how unpleasant. Information gathering is just that. YOU are in control of what the information can do for you (or to you). The Illuminati WANTS you to never go beyond the surface of a subject. They LOVE that so many of you so-called "enlightened" "new agers" are so disinterested in your intellectual nourishment. Forewarned is forearmed, people. Be willfully ignorant at your own peril- we really don't have the luxury of doing that anymore.
Love and Light,
Friday, September 18, 2009
I'm being attacked.
There was some kind of - throbbing- I don't know how to describe it exactly, but it was some kind of deliberate pulse going on in my head the whole time - for a full hour. Since my phone is totally bugged, it stopped almost precisely after I left the hysterical phone message for my friend. I know "they" were trying to send a very deliberate message.
This technology is real, it is designed to subtly target people and if used in a high enough frequency, can literally kill people at a distance.
Please, guys. I am begging for protection from lightworkers at this time, if you didn't already know about this technology, you need to learn about it, ALL psychics/lightworkers/starseeds need to learn about this stuff, it is REAL and has been in use since the 1950s, it's totally tied in with the NWO and I believe I am being targeted specifically not only because of the information I've had downloaded about UFO propulsion systems but also because I am putting it out there-- it's no coincidence that the ROCKEFELLERS are some of the biggest funders of this psi science, and lo and behold, who was it but none other than Henry Kissinger who astrally projected himself into my living room the other day.
I am just realizing/remembering now that the night before this attack occurred, Kissinger showed up AGAIN in my home very briefly asking once more for me to join him and I scoffed and declined, and about five hours later this attack occurred- it was awful, I literally almost felt like killing myself at one point just to make it stop- I was not hallucinating this. I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but I want to tell you all at this time that if something happens to me, it was NOT an accident.
Please do what you can to protect yourselves, I am 100% serious about the reality of this technology and how they have been testing/using this stuff on private citizens (including me now) for years.
Here's a link from the ***90s**** talking about this stuff and it wasn't even in its infancy then- it'd been used for years at that point (1994!) not surprisingly this is also connected with HAARP technology and probably the earthquakes that have suspiciously been happening in Japan and China in the last couple of years (see what Ben Fulford says about this on Youtube).
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's going to be an interesting year.
People tend to think Hollywood is clueless about this sort of thing, but I would beg to differ. What's the best way to introduce top secret and/or radical ideas to the public in such a way as to not totally freak them out? Through humor.
There must be a cultural imperative to get people to start opening up about their experiences in a safe, calm, non-judgmental environment. Film and TV is about as popular a culture imperative influence as you can get. I would suspect that this film alone will generate many bar room/water cooler/family dinner conversations about psychic abilities AND black ops budgets. Thank you, whomever green-lighted this project!
Things really seem to be quickening in a most delightful way: I get calls now from people I knew at school/in the past "before" this stuff was happening to me who have apparently found out what's happened to me in the interim, and rather than reacting with shock and ridicule, instead they immediately begin telling me about all of the psychic/paranormal experiences that have happened to them and to others they know.
I still can't even believe someone is actually using the term "black budget" in a film trailer, I am so happy.
Paradigm shift, indeed!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Japan’s first lady claims she was abducted by aliens and taken to Venus
Japan’s first lady claims she was abducted by aliens and taken to Venus
Posted on 02 September 2009 at 14:00
Tags: first lady, japan, ufo, venus
“While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus,” Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.
“It was a very beautiful place and it was really green.”
Yukio Hatoyama is due to be voted in as premier on September 16 following his party’s crushing election victory over the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Sunday.
Miyuki, 66, described the extraterrestrial experience, which she said took place some 20 years ago, in a book entitled “Very Strange Things I’ve Encountered.”
When she awoke, Japan’s next first lady wrote, she told her now ex-husband that she had just been to Venus. He advised her that it was probably just a dream.
“My current husband has a different way of thinking,” she wrote. “He would surely say ‘Oh, that’s great’.”
Yukio Hatoyama, 62, the rich grandson of a former prime minister, was once nicknamed “the alien” for his prominent eyes.
Source: Reuters
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
PLEASE watch these interviews.
My mother is a state-licensed and board certified Psychologist (recently retired after 30+ years), and has also confirmed what Ms. Kilde is stating- Mom told me: "There is no clinical model for what you are experiencing".
Ms. Kilde also mentions correctly in the interview that the DSM manual has a whole list of "mental illnesses" in the United States that somehow magically are not in other parts of the world. I shudder to think what Mom would have said if I had told her about my experiences before 1994, when the DSM manual suddenly decided that paranormal experiences were a "religious and spiritual 'problem'" and no longer relegated to schizophrenia.
(So it's now relegated to merely a spiritual "problem". ;-) It's nice to know some things never change: the sky above, the earth below, and the mainstream medical/scientific establishment continuing on its never-ending campaign to be as arrogant and dismissive as possible.)
Of course the interview with Ms. Kilde was tampered with -physically- by British authorities. A re-shoot covers the points literally destroyed by those who want her silenced.
Interview 1:
Interview 2:
(reshoot with interview of questions that had been removed by British intel)
The "Bases" series is more and more becoming the go-to source material for corroboration of my experiences, a chilling filmed interview on record from the 90s of a mind controlled MI5 or MI6 agent exists on Youtube where a negative grey alien can be seen literally standing behind him (on infrared) doing some kind of mind control/obfuscation/energy manipulation technique- truly incredible. I have seen this type of grey in my room at night, but it wasn't negative. Just a corroboration of what they are capable of/what they look like.
Love and Light,
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A channel I made for a friend became a short film
Her website:
Love and Light,
Saturday, August 1, 2009
New videos! Re: Solar Warden updates, black ops, etc.
Very exciting developments. Ironically, I have not had time to post these vids here, but here they finally are. If you know anyone who wishes to talk to me about this or knows how I am directly involved with this further, please have them contact me here, or they can email me at:
Thank you for your interest!
Love and Light,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
New Message from SaLuSa of Sirius, 7/23/09
YES, It still happens, yes, even to me. Lessons, lessons, lessons, right? We've got a passel of them.
Each and every one of us. :-)
So I was coming home from work tonight, ruminating over the somewhat disheartening "loss of a friendship that never was" (according to the star beings) of two rising stars in the UFO research scene who were supposed to help me re: John Barkley and Solar Warden and never did, even after a year of asking and them requesting all kinds of "qualifiers" to meet their criteria.
This is in spite of the fact that privately one of them was beyond excited and told me they thought John was the "real deal" , but publicly shunned me like a leper and continually refused to address the subject with a ten-foot pole --so I was ruminating on this, and out of nowhere, suddenly the phrase into my head came from somewhere else:
"Send them love that believe".
Right there on a quiet street in TriBeCa, I stopped dead in my tracks and was all like--
So the phrase repeated:
"Send them love that believe."
So tonight, as soon as I got home, I just felt this urge to send love to all my friends in a message on The International Starseed Council site (thestarseedcouncil.ning.net) telling them how much I loved them.
And almost immediately after I did that, I got this transmission. Enjoy.
Love and Light,
Dear child of light, we return so joyfully! For you have forgotten us, it seems, in the hustle and fray of daily life lately! ("Never. It's impossible! I could never forget about you, darling ones!") Aha, this is our transmission, then, dear child of light and love, aha! We shine forth so joyfully to the universe now in its cadence of love with the whisper of a moonbeam on our lips, aha! We state categorically that this is not a transmission of love for love's sole sake, dear ones! No, not at all! You are reminded that you must joyfully go forth in the New Dawn with hope on your shining minds and lips-- all is One, dear children of light, all is one in the scheme of things, so do not harbor resentments for long, dear child. ("You know me so well, ha!") Aha! For this is a message for humanity too, dear child of light and love! All will be well in the coming days and weeks ahead, dear ones, all will be well if you suffice it a way of being and doing tantamount to world peace!
Yes, you have heard me well, for this IS Salusa of Sirius shining through dear ones! All is one, let all be one in the scheme of things of light and love too, for it will suit you well dear children of light to nightly bless your friends and relatives as before you fall asleep-- tell them you love them all and cherish their hearts as one incessantly, aha! You know as well as I/we that we are sincere in all ways of being and doing tantamount to world peace as well, dear children of the Collective of Light called Planet Earth, aha!
You know as well as I/we dear child of light, each and every one of you glows so well now it is a "done deal" as they say for the time being to focus your intent gladly on the coming "storm" of activity that is beset before you "on all sides" as it were, aha! You are going to be treating each other with kindness and goodwill even though it is hard as they say, for others become that which you say they become by words and deeds and actions before them as well, too, yes? ("Sigh. Yes.") Aha! You see this plan works well, yes? ("Very. People become what you want them to become, yes?") Yes, aha, that is the structure by which it stands, aha! You give all the best to someone and all the best will return, yes? ("Yes. I have doubted this many times.") I know, dear child of light and love- all is one in the scheme of things.
You are a star warrior, dear child! Act like it! Behave yourself more, dear one! Be a good woman and know the way and the light, there is no more. Be of good cheer and all manner of blessings will befall on you, dear one.
Love and Light, signing off, the Galactic Federation of Light with Beloved Salusa of Sirius and the Brotherhood of Arcturus in attendance, signing off
Amen Adonai Amen, all is One dear Child of Light in the scheme of things. Things will be better tomorrow when you find your way more, aha, all is one in the scheme of light and love dear child of our hearts, so miraculously do we shine forevermore in the light of love that basks around you now, dear child! Amen, signing off, amen, dear one. All is love, all is one in light and love forever. Amen adonai amen goodbye for now, amen goodbye dear one.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
AMAZING videos from FelipeSparx29 on Youtube about the 2012 Rainbow Bridge
There is a point in this video (Part 2. I think?) that would correspond *exactly* with what the star beings told me would happen when I formed the International Starseed Council, and that was a gigantic, massive gathering of Starseeds from all over the world gathering at Stonehenge in 2017 for some kind of incredible event.
Part 1:
Part 2:
In Part 2 I was kind of flipping out, because the speaker is talking about *exactly* what the star beings said I and "others like myself" would do- they just didn't say why. But this makes perfect sense. Here is the breakdown in the video as it corresponds to what I was told by the star beings:
(Minutes of the video are what are beside the statements in the "more info" section of Part 2)
3:22 - 3:41 ****** Bio-psychic electromagnetic human being at sacred sites around the planet practicing this visualization ******** (Emphasis mine with the stars, Ed.)
Then the rest of the video makes perfect sense as well as to *why* starseeds would be gathering at Stonehenge and/or "other sacred sites".
3:42 - 3:46 Every July 25th; Day Out of Time
3:47 - 5:24 Building the Telepathic Field, Synchronizing ourselves in time with a common purpose to creat the 2012 Rainbow Bridge
5:25 - 5:54 Universal, Irreversible and the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge will be permanent
(supposedly creates psychic, self-healing transformative powers for all of humanity.)
So I guess we have a date now : July 25th, 2017: Stonehenge and London, England it is!
Love and Light,
Summer Reading List suggestion.
You can also listen/watch great interviews with him on Youtube, just type his name and the book title and listen in shock and awe.
Confessions of An Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins
This ties into everything having to do with the military/defense/engineering/corporate complex's impact on ecology, indigenous culture, the monoculturization of the world, perma-war economies, you name it. It stops shy of the reasons behind why the CIA does this (uh, secret space program/reverse engineered/UFO Research & Development/defense initiatives funded by drug cartels, prostitution rings/slavery, and dictatorial hand-in-glove relationships with Banana republics, anyone?), but it's a good starting point.
Love and Light,
Two words, dear Readers: Bechtel and Monsanto.
First, the arm of the military industrial corporate complex of nuclear, engineering, and construction contractors with big ties to big oil that make all others look like Mickey Mouse in comparison re:violations and no-bid contracts... (drumroll)... I bring you Bechtel!
All about the company/bio/profile:
List of company violations found in just a two minute Google search (by no means complete!):
And Two, Monsanto, agribusiness Giant who wants to be controller of global ecology for profit.
They are destroying the planet, its ecosytem, its biodiversity, and the future of sustainability/food production by producing/lobbying heavily for support of GMO seed and food production trans-nationally and domestically:
(This link is a great starting point to learn about them, plenty of info and petitions to sign, great documentary as well on the page. I also highly encourage subscribing/joining Organic Consumers Association anyway, feel free to browse the rest of the site, they are doing truly miraculous things as far as consciousness raising and direct action.)
Please take the time to understand cause and effect, people! Nothing happens in a vacuum.
You can't take action without first directing very specific energy towards a problem to ***find*** the solution. Meditation is great, fantastic, wonderful; it brings about focused intent, but it is only a starting point and isn't enough.
Make sure you take your Alka Seltzer before learning about these companies. "They aren't very nice" as it were. If they were people, they'd be psychotic. So let's see they get the professional help they deserve.
Love and Light,